barca women - welcoming

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google forms request 🫶🏻
a/n ——> i know most of the girls would never act like this in real life but it is just for this imagine and just pretend that all of the speech is spoken in spanish
also tw for talks about death

When i first got told by my coach to that i would no longer be in this team because i was moving up to the senior team , i was terrified as it had only been a couple of months since my father had passed away and all that he wanted of me was to one day make it into the barcelona first team and now i was doing it but he just wasn't here to see it . It also didn't help the fact that i was significantly younger than the rest of the girls and i also didn't really know anyone . I mean i had seen a couple of the girls around the academy but that was quite some time ago now .
So as the day came closer and closer to me actually moving up to the senior team , i had no idea what was in store for me . Although some of the girls had d'med me on instagram but that was mainly just alexia ( which i only assumed was because she was the captain ) and a few of the other older girls .  

The day had finally come , for me to go join in on training but not just for the once , from now it would be every day from now . Training , games the lot . But for me i would say that this is the most important day , the day were the girls would get their first impressions of me and ultimately make up their mind on me . Ofcourse i wanted to make a good first impression since it wasn't like i was a well known football player . I was just some little girl for from the academy .

I sat in my mum's cars on the way to the training ground since i obviously didn't have a car and i also didn't want to take the risk of being late by going on the bus .
" are you sure you don't want me to walk in with you " my mum said as we pulled up to the training ground car park .
" mum i am 16 not 5 , i don't need you to hold my hand everywhere we go " i said whilst letting out a light chuckle .
" go make your dad proud " she says as i start to make my way out of the car
And with that i was off walking into the training ground on my own with a small grin on my face thinking about the fact that i was living my fathers dream .

I walked up to the front desk to speak to the nice lady who was sat at the reception to guide me towards the locker room.
As i walked into the locker room , which was filled with pretty much all of the girls , i notice the one and only alexia putellas heading my way .
" you must be y/n l/n , i'm alexia and it is nice to meet you " alexia said whilst sticking her hand out for me to shake .
" yeah i know who you are , you have been my favourite player since i was like five but it was nice to meet you too " i say which causes most of the girls in the locker room to let out a laugh .
" that's just embarrassing how young she is " one of the girls said but i had no clue who it actually was who said it since most of the girls were in a big huddle .

After the little incident in the locker room , i got quickly got changed in silence as the rest of the girls chatted away . I felt as if it was me they were talking about me , i know they probably didn't think that what one of the girls had said would effect me so much but i just feel as if i don't belong here . The main cause of this however was that ever since my father had died i had lost a lot of my confidence.
I walked out to training with vicky since in the small amount of time that i have been here we have sort of bonded . I am assuming that is because of our similar ages and even though she was only a year older than me i still felt as if she deserved to be here so much more than i did . I think the other girls feel that aswell .

We both walked over to the outside gym to join the rest of the girls and joantan for a short team talk before training .
" so girls we have got the second leg of the semifinal against chelsea , so on saturday we are all going to need to bring our a game to get ourselves to yet another champions league final " joantan says which hypes up all the girls as they start to clap in unison .
" And lastly , i think most of you would of noticed that we have got our new signing y/n l/n here so can you all make sure you make her feel very welcome " joantan finishes before telling us to go start warm up .

I felt the different in intensity as soon as i stepped foot onto the football pitch . The level of football on the senior team was such a higher level to what it was on the academy . However i was currently enjoying the challenge .
The training session was coming towards an end and i was starting to feel the effects from player with some of the best players in the world .
" you know it might take you a while to get used too so much training for such a little body " marta says from behind me which gives me a bit of fright .
These comments from various different members of the team were starting to get into my head . I could only think about not maybe i just wasn't cut out for this team . I mean i think that was what all my teammates were thinking .

Even though training was finshed i still had a long day ahead of me . Right now it was time for lunch but then after that we had a gym session before then having to go see the medics and the physio's for our weekly checkups .
During lunch i sat on a table with the younger members of the team , thanks to vicky . She had pretty much dragged me over to the table in which she usually sat at and forced me to sit next to her .
It was nice to speak to people who were around my age since whilst i was at home with my mum after my dad passed away , i was pretty much forced to stay home ' to keep my mum company ' . More like nurse her through the hangover she would have the next morning .

Lunch came to the end meaning we were due to be back in the locker room to be starting to get ready for our afternoon gym session .
I opened my locker to get my trainers out of my locker , i was met with the photo of my father that i had stuck on the inside of my locker . I smiled lightly looking at the picture of him but quickly deciding to grab my trainers and lock my locker back up before i started to get upset .
Just as i had finshed tying up my laces and was about to head out to gym my phone started playing .
I looked at the caller i'd so see ' Mum ' displayed which just cause me to sigh .
" are you not going to pick that up " alexia pipes up from beside me making me realise i had been daydreaming .
I look up at alexia for reassurance for me to take the phone call before rushing out of the room into the hall way .

I tried to look for somewhere a little more private , somewhere that none of the girls would be able to hear me . But all of the the room surrounding the locker room was locked so guess i was just stuck with speaking quietly in the corridor for now .
" mum what do you want i am very busy " i say in a hushed voice hoping that none of the girls would here
" heyyy darling , i was just wandering when you would be home " my mum answers back sounding very clearly drunk .
" mum we have been through this so many times , i am not at home and i am not going to be at home for a while " i reply with my voice getting slightly louder due to anger .
And with that i put the phone down on her before following the girls back out towards the gym .

We were all given a small bit of guidance on what sorts of things we should be doing in the gym this afternoon but other than that we were set free .
I walked over to one of the free sets of equipment whilst the one next to me was then occupied by alexia .
" was everything alright on the phone call " alexia asks which breaks the silence
" errmmm yeah " i say sounding a bit wobbly
" are you sure , you can tell me if anything wasn't alright " she says in a comforting tone .
I couldn't hide it anymore , i hadn't spoken to anyone about my home situation in over a year . So i pretty much just exploded .
She slowly guided me out of the room and towards joantan office with his permission.
And as soon as we got into the room , i broke down . I ranted everything that was on my mind , about my mother , about my father . About everything.

Once i finally finished saying what was on my mind , i just managed to get a breath in .
" oh pequeña you should of told someone earlier , we could of helped you " alexia says whilst putting a comforting arm on my shoulder.
We both agreed that we ( more like alexia ) should tell the girls about my home situation just to avoid any future problems.
Once the rest of the team found out about my home promblems , they reacted in the exact same way that alexia reacted .
It was almost like the were completely different people to who they were this morning .
Not one of them were now giving me any dirty or judging looks , instead they were all nice and worrying looks .

The next day at training, everybody was so different towards me . I quickly became know as the ' baby ' of the team with all the girls having various different nicknames for me . In which i absolutely loved .
Also most of the older girls also fell very over protective over me . They were all caring for me , being the mum that my mum could never be for me .

actually kinda love how this one turned out
keep requesting tho 😍

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