The child [part1]

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-bad grammar
-bad plot
-bad story telling
The child.
Childhood in one's life is the most traumatic or the most peaceful thing in a persons life. And for me it was a calm ride I wasn't abused or anything my dad drunk alcohol and he sometimes lashed out but i was never hurt I would say my parents were trying there best for me my life wasn't the best we had barely enough cash to support ourselves and even then my parents bought me stuff I was a stubborn dumb child that wanted everything I was very much a selfish person who hated anybody who was better than me in later on my life this became a very difficult thing to live with. I thought if I stayed quite and slow and examined the people around me I could get a better understanding of them but this only made me a loner who sat around doing nothing and later in elementary school I tried again on my social abilities. I thought talking too much was gonna make me famous and all accepted but that didn't work people only saw me as a way to energetic person and they ignored me bc I was a bother to be around in elementary school I was confused i thought why are people so hard to get through if talking too much is considered annoying and if being quiet I'm a freak then what must I do to feel acceptable. As a child I loved playing alone. Then I realized I was just another average kid who wouldn't do anything special with there life and that thought of reality would bring me down to earth after that my childhood was just making a random person a personality they liked and repeat it over and over again until my time comes. After that reality hits I slowly realized I didn't understand people and even when I said people can't understand me it was because slowly I didn't even understand myself. I tried to convince myself that if I became a teen everything would get solved on its own an there it goes the waiting time started. ( horrible spelling)

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