04 enemies to lovers who

Start from the beginning

Welcome, or welcome back sluts! It's time to talk about one of the hottest topics of this month: Gene Gallagher & Sylvia Greece. Are they dating, or just friends?

So! Let's start from the beginning shall we? Sylvia and Gene's parents, Liam Gallagher and Chason Greece, first became friends in 1995. Right after the release of the great album: Definitely Maybe. The two stayed friends for years, then Chason got Married to, Hannah Chai, famous actress.

     Then, Sylvia and Gene got born about three months apart. And had been seen with their parents, by paparazzi multiple times after— and still do.

     The friends or couple? Have rather been seen as enemies, rather than friends for how much time they spend together and post together. (Enemies to lovers who?)

     And on March 16th, 1:00pm, Sylvia was seen entering Genes house. Flipping off the camera, God I wish I were that straw... Okay! Okay off topic, here you will see the paparazzi photo of Gene and Sylvia seen having lunch that same day after what seems they had a 'play date'!

 Okay! Okay off topic, here you will see the paparazzi photo of Gene and Sylvia seen having lunch that same day after what seems they had a 'play date'!

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     EWWWW!!! Literally someone kill me nowwww!! I think I might jump off a bridge and set myself on fire. Because I am lonely and you should feel the same! Jk!! But really the real question: Are they dating? We'll get back to that when they finally realize their feelings for each other.

     Love you! Stay slutty, and kiss your mirror goodnight! 😘

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Instagram  ——  sillysylvie
7:59pm, March 17, 2022

Liked by genegallager, phoebebridgers, and 1,234,984 otherssillysylvie keep these articles going bitches, they're making me feel REAL special 🤭

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Liked by genegallager, phoebebridgers, and 1,234,984 others
sillysylvie keep these articles going bitches, they're making me feel REAL special 🤭

Liked by genegallager, phoebebridgers, and 1,234,984 otherssillysylvie keep these articles going bitches, they're making me feel REAL special 🤭

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⭐️ authors note:
Heyyyyyyy... I know the latest chapters have been mostly social media, but I promise there'll be some irl content SOONN!!! Thx for the love, xoxo, Shelby🩷

 I know the latest chapters have been mostly social media, but I promise there'll be some irl content SOONN!!! Thx for the love, xoxo, Shelby🩷

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479 words.

Starstruck.          Gene GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now