Chapter 5: Dancing Ghosts

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"This is quite... unprecedented," said King Edgar. He was standing next to his own throne. Hades sat in it, looking regal and bored.

"I could have beaten him," seethed Ash. "Let us have a rematch, tomorrow. Or now. But I was beating him, and your guards pulled me off of him!"

I held back a gasp. No one talked that way to Hades. Hades, however, looked amused.

"No need," said King Edgar. "Hades and I have come to a conclusion- we would like you both to go on this quest."

"What?" Ash and I said in unison.

King Edgar carried on as if he hadn't heard us. "Now, this quest is no easy feat. I would like you two to visit the eight major Living and Undead camps- Lignum, Lapis, Argentum, Aurum, Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Terra. I would like you to convince them to sign a peace treaty concerning all the mentioned parties- I have it here." King Edgar held out a thin metal tube. Before I could take it, Ash took it in her hands.

She looked confused. "Two."

"Excuse me?"

"We need two. One for him, one for me. To take to the camps."

"We would like you to undertake this journey together."

"What?!" Ash said in disbelief.

"We can't," I said. "She'll kill me. She'll actually kill me!" I didn't want to admit it, but I had to. I imagined my gravestone:




I could at least die with dignity.

"No one is going to kill anyone," said King Edgar. "You two will not have to interact much. It would be helpful, however, to have both Living and Undead to present to the camps. It would ensure no bias in their decision of whether or not to sign the treaty."

"Then why can't I just take care of the Undead and he take care of the Living?" asked Ash, crossing her arms.

"One piece of paper," said King Edgar. "All the signatures have to be on one."

She pressed her lips together angrily. "When are we leaving? Will we get any supplies?"

"Supplies will be provided for you by me," said Hades. "I will take you to Milan; there your journey will start."

"How?" I asked.

Hades held out both hands. Ash seemed to understand, and reached out and took one. I hesitated before doing the same.

Darkness. Complete darkness. Then the cold- first slow then all at once, like falling. The ground falling from beneath me, and then falling with it, into a dark abyss, turning until I had to sense of up or down- and at my back, ground suddenly materialised. Light flooded my eyes, but it was dim and grey.

I forced myself onto my feet, despite the wobbliness in my knees, burning with shame, but it seemed Hades hadn't noticed and Ash wasn't in the mood to ridicule me. When I looked up, they were already striding off, and I struggled to keep up. My legs still felt like jelly. My body ached in too many places to count. I rubbed my chin and choked down a gasp when I saw the blood on my fingertips.

I had no idea where Ash and Hades were going- ahead was only darkness. The sun was behind us, casting just enough light for me to see where I was going. The ground was rock- boulders scattered everywhere, cracks in the ground. Wherever I stepped, a small stone would catch in my shoes.

"When are we leaving?" asked Ash.

"Any time from tonight to tomorrow afternoon," said Hades. A black crow swooped ahead, and I ducked. Looking at Hades, alarmed, I was disparaged to see that he just looked amused. "Or as long as it takes for you to gather equipment. One of my servants will help you."

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