Part 12

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"We should probably head back; it's getting dark," I say as I get up from the ground.

Emma follows me up, and I help her back down the hill, and we walk towards the car in silence.

"When's your next game? I've never actually seen a soccer match before," Emma asks, breaking our silence.

"We have one next Wednesday; you should come," I say with more enthusiasm than I had hoped for.

"I will try my best to make it," she says, still trying to walk down the path with utmost concentration. She was definitely more coordinated on our way down than on our way up the hill. We reached the car, and I drove her back to her dorm.

As I parked near her gate, I wanted to get something out of my chest. I tried to do so earlier, but I was interrupted by the call and couldn't bring myself to say it again. I usually had no problem speaking my mind, but with Emma, I was having trouble because I was constantly having the feeling that she was too good for me and that I shouldn't be interested in her. From the way she helps people to the way she is shy and pure, I didn't want to bring her into my messed-up world.

The entire drive back, I was debating the pros and cons of asking her out. The drive back wasn't long, and I didn't want this yearning feeling inside my heart at the thought of not asking her. I parked my car near the dorm gate and looked over at her.

She had dozed off and was now leaning against the window. She looked adorable. I had no idea when she had slept; she must have been worn out by our trek. I almost didn't want to wake her up, but it was around 7.30. I didn't want to make her late for whatever she had planned for the rest of the evening. I gently released her seat belt and nudged her. She jerked awake.

"Hey, you slept on the drive back," I say.

She was clearly flustered now. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep."

"It's okay," I say with a smile.

"I should probably head inside. Thank you for the lovely coffee. I had a great time," she says with a bright smile.

"I had a great time too," debating whether to do what's on my mind. She opens the door and starts walking inside. I watch her walk towards her dorm, still hesitant.

"Ah, fuck," I say as I get out of my car and walk towards Emma, calling out her name. She turns around, facing me, and is a bit startled as she almost bangs on my chest. I hold her arms and steady her as she looks up to me.

"Emma.. I like you, and I don't just want to be your friend. I want to be more than that. Can we actually go on a date next weekend or whenever you are free? " I say, hoping not to sound too desperate, but I'm sure I did. I see Emma's face change from confused to amused.

"Yes, I would like that," she says with a small laugh, which brings a grin to my face.

"Great, see you soon then!". I can see she's blushing even in the dim lights. She quickly says bye and hurries inside her dorm. I can't seem to stop smiling on my way back home. There was something different about Emma; I could feel it.


I couldn't stop smiling the entire walk back to my dorm. The butterflies in my stomach don't seem to die down anytime soon. Justin was sincere about his feelings towards me; I could feel it in the way he looked at me. It made me feel like flying, but it also scared the shit out of me. Once inside my dorm, I call Joel back. He hadn't called me since the party where he had to leave abruptly. I didn't want to disturb him by calling him since then. He answered after a couple of rings,

Everything with youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora