SouthSide X3 for life

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There I am walking in my school's hallway towards my homies. Most of them are in different gangs such as MCP, MS x3, Brown pride, and Sur x3. My parents raised me to be a religious person ever since I could remember but over time the mind changes. Well, mine has  changed in ways no one would have thought. While I’m walking toward my friends, the students and security are watching me as if I was a criminal or something. I’m only 10 ft away from the group and hesitate before getting there so I just make a left into the cafeteria to eat some breakfast and think about why I hang out with them.

-----after breakfast-----

I am walking out the cafeteria nervous about them because they are dangerous if you would ever become their enemies. As soon as I get there, we do our handshake to show that everything is cool. They start talking about what they did yesterday afternoon.

I walk up to Juan, one of my most trusted friends, and tell him "whats up"

"not much jus this fucking chavala talking shit about me" he replied with anger in his voice.

“who’s talking about you?” I asked him not wanting him to get in trouble but trouble seems to find its way into my life one way or anther.

“I don’t know, there is a rumor that this new student has been talking about me behind my back,” he said hoping that he would find out soon so he could teach the new guy a lesson.

“Lets go find out now so we could teach that punk a lesson that he won’t forget ever.” I said just bluffing around but wanting to sound tough too. 

But as I was talking to Juan I saw someone walking up behind me, not knowing who it could be. So, I turn around and see that its Luis. Juan and I greet him with the handshake and then Juan leaves going to the main group of the homies.

“Whats up foo” I tell Luis looking him straight in the eyes seeing that he has something important to ask me.

“I got a proposition for you” he said, sounding as if he was being forced to ask me. “if you want to be part of the barrio” 

I got nervous, not knowing what to tell him. “umm…I’m not sure. What do I have to do?” I replied nervously but excited at the same time.

He pulled out a picture and just stared at me as if waiting for a reaction. He handed me the picture and said “you have to beat up this guy”

When I looked at the picture, it was my best friend when I was in middle school “what did he do” I asked, more nervous then I’ve ever been before. I was waiting for his answer because he was in the same gang as Luis was and it must be something bad if his own homies are turning against him.

“we’ll tell you after he’s dealt with, unless your too scared”, he responded with annoyance.

“I’m not sure…let me think about it after 1st period,” I told Luis hoping he would let me.

“Sure, but we’ll have to send Tank with,” he said. Then Tank came up to him and started making their own conversation.

I just walked up to the wall and leaned against it. What should I do? Look what I gotten myself into this time. And what could Omar, aka scribblez, done this time to be on their bad list? I look at the clock and there was only a couple of minutes before the 1st period bell would ring.

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