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"Hey guys." She greeted them, joining the group that was standing on the side.

"How was your shopping?" Romy asked her, handing her a chocolate frog she got her earlier.

"It was alright, I got everything." Rose shrugged, thanking her best friend with a wink.

And slowly conversations started to form between the friends. Were present the Weasley twins, the McKinnon-Meadowes girls, Rose, Romy and Rowan. Teddy, Neville, Harry and his friends were supposed to join them but they seemed to be running late.

Andromeda was getting worried, her mother had designated her as responsible for her brother, she told her to make sure he wouldn't get in any trouble, and she had trusted him to be alright on his own with his friends. She didn't think he needed a babysitter but perhaps he did.

Since she had her eyes set on the alleyway where she had last seem jet brother, watching every person that walked by, she was the first to spot Cedric walking over hurriedly. He had spotted them from afar and rushed over.

She thought he would start to stir trouble again and clenched her jaw, preparing herself for yet another argument with him, but he simply leaned over to whisper to her quietly.

"I think Teddy's in trouble."

That was enough to have her alert. She looked at him and he didn't waste a second to lead the way. The twins, who seemed to catch on, especially because they were the ones standing next to Romy, ran after them, not before telling their friends to stay there.

Well, it's not like their friends were going to listen, or at least, not the remaining Hufflepuff of the group.

"Go make sure they're not causing trouble." Kyra encouraged Rose, who nodded and followed after the redheads.

Andromeda had not one bit of trust in Cedric, she hasn't for many years, but one thing she knew for sure, is that he wouldn't be a jerk to her family. Her mother and his parents were close friends, and both of them respected that bond despite their differences.

"What happened, what did you see?" Romy asked the Diggory boy, jogging alongside him as he took long steps to get her to a precise location quicker.

"I just got out of Zonko's with Ben and Will when I saw Malfoy following after Teddy and Harry." Cedric explained.

The Hufflepuff girl frowned. "Draco? I mean, yeah, they're not on good terms, but he's not dangerous, is he?"

Cedric stopped by a darker alley. "Not him. His dad." He pointed ahead of them where they could see Lucius Malfoy threateningly towering over the girl's younger brother and cousin, with Draco smirking alongside him.

Andromeda rushed over, Cedric close behind with the twins and Rose, who caught up with them.

"Sir, step away, would you?" The Hufflepuff stormed in between them, posing herself as a human shield, her voice demanding but her tone polite.

"Stand out of my way, girl, your family has obviously been mediocre at disciplining their children, I shall take the initiative myself." The man with long blonde hair snarled.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to do that?" Fred frowned, stepping forward once he noticed his own little brother shielding an angry Hermione.

"Leave." Andromeda turned to Harry and Teddy.

"What? No!" Teddy refused, not willing to let his older sister try and handle someone like Lucius Malfoy. She would get crushed before she knew it.

"I said go, Teddy!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" 

"Who do you think you are? Stepping into someone else's business? You really are your mother's daughter." Lucius spat.

THE SWEET AND THE GOLDEN // cedric diggoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin