"The Fiendish Plot of (human) Laszlo and Nadja Cravensworth"... Part IX

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What We Do In the Shadows: "The Fiendish Plot of (human) Laszlo and Nadja Cravensworth"...

Summary: Back in the regular but sort of AU universe of WWDITS, you thought the season was about Guillermo. It wasn't. (Well, in this AU anyhow.)

Part IX...

"Guillette...Guillwhatever..." human-souled Nadja, hissing as she crept about the Residence near Guillermo's room. Startled by Guillermo opening door. "Hey!"

"It's Guillermo." Guillermo sighs, shaking head. "I've told you so many times...And you're the human soul..."

"Fine, sorry... I finally managed to evade my little Guide shadow. Is that your room? I don't remember seeing it before."

"Your essence was never all that interested in me." He eyes her as they stand in corridor.

"True enough, I suppose."

"Even if you're only now talking to me for Laszlo's sake, which is how I guessed you were still in there when you kept trying to talk to me without demanding things." He notes. "Plus my Van Helsing instinct said there was something different."

"Yeah, yeah...Look, we may not have much time here and your ancestor's ghost and Dr. Dracula have told you to help me. We have to save ma honey, before the others find out about me." Nadja, anxiously. "Sooner or later they'll smell meat and such on my breath or catch me doing my business or just sense I'm nearly human."

"I know. And I've said I'll try to help. Well, your demon is in the Doll..." Guillermo shrugs. "How did you manage that?"

"Do you really want to be in a scenario where you're tempted to insult my intelligence in either soul or demon form with some 'clever' crack after I tell you what you've surely guessed?" Nadja eyes him coldly.

"Uh, no." sigh.

"Wise choice.",nod. "Lets just say I persuaded her and leave it at that." Nod.


"But...You're right in your way. We just have to persuade Laszlo's demon to behave in similar fashion. Now." Reflecting... "What would drive him to flee into a new receptacle, preferably inanimate? And I think it requires an exchange with soul Laszlo." Hmmn... "I doubt he would do it merely because his counterpart complained he was bored and asked for a change." Thoughtful look on both. "I mean he might but..."

Fear! Both eye each other.

"If he thought he was in danger, say a fearless vampire hunter were about to stake him..." Nadja eyes Guillermo.

"I mean of course, one of your comrades..."

"I wiped out a theater of vampires to save you guys..." Guillermo, annoyed.

"Ok...But would he believe for a second you're suddenly hunting him? I don't think so. You can take that as a compliment on your compassion, rather than a crack, ok?" she notes.

"Thanks." Grimly.

"Well, what about your hunter colleagues? Are they a fearsome bunch, sure to strike terror in a vampire's heart? Though not too much terror, he is still my husband ofsorts." Sententiously.

Guillermo picturing his fellow local Hunters.

Well, Claude, just maybe...The others? I don't think so...

"Wait, we got Dracula, mostly human now, but still quite formidable...And we got the Slayer, his daughter!" Nadja, triumphant. "And maybe your ghost ancestor could provide some terror."

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