"The Fiendish Plot of (human) Laszlo and Nadja Cravensworth" Part VIII

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What We Do In the Shadows: "The Fiendish Plot of (human) Laszlo and Nadja Cravensworth"...

Summary: Back in the regular but sort of AU universe of WWDITS, you thought the season was about Guillermo. It wasn't. (Well, in this AU anyhow.)

Part VIII...

Nandor on sofa in the living room of the Residence, ghost of Marwa hovering just above, in the medieval Middle Eastern outfit she'd worn at her first corporeal appearance, courtesy, the Dijnn ...Offering beaming smile to camera, with fond looks to Nandor...Who nods to her, a bit sheepishly.

"Yes..." Nandor sighs. "I've made contact with the soul of my late Marwa. As she was in the beginning, before I manipulated her physical form with help of my dijnn."

His dijnn? The Djinn frowns to us from a corner down the hall.

I'm an independent contractor, not some sort of errand boy/medieval slave, geesh.

"They were interesting modifications..." Marwa's glowing, hovering ghost notes gently.

"I'm sorry, dearest. It's just...Eternity can wear on one a bit. One likes some variety at times."

"I've only been physically summoned a year..." she notes. "But I told you it was all right, husband. Heck, you're much easier-going than in the 1270s."

"True enough, I suppose." He nods. "Anyway, after my little act of whatever..."

"Beautiful redemption..." Marwa, proudly. "And two such..." firmly.

"Thanks, dear...Yes, well, after the thing with the Freddies, original and clone...I realized I was actually missing true Marwa. She grows on one, as she did in the 1260s-70s. And so...Her soul in ghost form heard my plea and came to me. And said it was hokey be dokey regards my dijnn manipulation." Fond smile to her form.

"It never really touched my true self and soul." Marwa explains. "Else I'd be in London now. Of course it hurt a bit that Nandor was bored with me, but..." careful nod. "If the demonic essence of your husband in vampire calls to plead for your forgiveness, come on...If you ever loved him, you've got to listen."

"Hmmn...Yes..." Nandor agrees. "After all that she was sweet enough to come and comfort me in my loneliness."

"I would have come so much sooner, dearest. I wanted to, truly." Marwa sighs. "But your residual evil nature kind of said...'Keep off'. Till your unselfish acts...Oh!" she beams. "Remind these nice people with their optical recording devices of the other one."

"Well...Really was not such of a big deal." Nandor, modestly. "I realized Guillermo didn't really wish to be a vampire, not cut out for the life/Unlife, really, and I helped him go back to Humanity."

"Dracula and Van Helsing in reverse, the vampire doing the saving..." Marwa, proudly. "And he is so modest about it."

"Did my old Wallachian nemesis, that son of a bastard, Vlad, really pull off Redemption?" Nandor eyes her. She nodding...

"For the love of his true love, the Countess Elisabete." she smiles.

"I'm sorry." Nandor, hastily. "I know I should have done it long ago, for you. Or one of the kids..."

"But you did..." she beams. "It was our reconnection, your unconscious plea summoning of me...Lets remember the one you kept around..." smile. "...that put you on the path. Hell, Dracula didn't just jump on the Redemption wagon. Elisabete had to come back many times before he realized success. Not to mention he had Dr. Van Helsing to assist." Beam.

"That is true, I suppose..." Nandor reflects. "The sob had lots of help I didn't get."

"But as soon as you opened the door, I came through...And you did the rest, my husband...George Bailey and redeemed Scrooge rolled into one." She notes happily.

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