Gulping, I step forward to hug him to only stop myself. Rubbing my neck I expend my hand instead.

He doesn't even look down at my hand.

Let alone shake it. Nodding. I bow slightly, to turn on my heels. There was no use feeling anymore hurt.

This is it.

More tears begged to spill down but I stop them. Not anymore Reinan. Pull yourself together.

Taking a deep breath I turn around to leave when suddenly an iron clad grip holds my wrists and next I know I am pulled back roughly.

I gasp. As my body flushes against his chest and I feel his huge callous hands holding my face.

" Are you done with your bullshit? You never let the other person speak. Do you?"

I blink , staring at those brown orbs.


He leans closer to press his forehead against mine and I hear him breathing heavily. As if he is trying to calm himself.

His nose touches mine and my fists clench.

What is he doing?

Is this his way of saying goodbye? The last kiss perhaps?

" Where is your car?"

I furrow my brows , looking at his closed eyes in confusion.

" It on that side. But I don't need you to drop me-"

" Aghh!"

Gripping my wrist, he starts dragging me towards my car and I try my best to break free.

" I said I can go! Let go!"

His grip didn't budge. Not a bit. With long confident strides, he continues to drag me along as I feel rain drips beginning to fall from the sky.

We reach my car, pulls open the back door and I am literally pushed in.

" Veer-"

My words seize when I see him get in after me. The slamming shut of the door echoes as raindrops pit patter on the glass window.

" Wh-at-"

His eyes burn in a fire that lights something inside me. Pulling up the wet shirt from over his neck, he tosses it over to hover over me.

My heart capitulates.

" V-Veer Wh-"

" Shhh enough talking. You wanted your answer right?"

" I am going to show it to you."

My brows furrow in confusion that fades away as he grips my ankles and pulls me down. Making my back press on the back seat.

I gasp.

Leather digs into my naked thighs and back. And he leans lower. Trapping my body under his huge frame.

" Show wh-at?"

" How much you have fucked up a sane man like me, Peaches."

" How many..."

Dipping his face into my neck, he trails my arms to interlock my trembling fingers in his callous ones. A shiver travels done my spine as he breathes out on the shell of my ear.

" How many times I have put the beasts of mine , on leash to not do what I am going to do to you right now."

My eyes widen as I realised what he meant and my back arches as he leaves a chaste kiss behind my earlobe.

A trigger spot.

Enough to send a direct jolt to my core.

" But you said-"

" I said we aren't compatible. If you are the light, I am the fucking darkness. If you are a precious stone? I am a dirty, useless piece of pathetic coal. My very touch can taint your brilliance. My company can corrupt your soul, my world can drive away your light. But you know what?"

Looking into my eyes, he inches his face right in front of me and I feel my body coming undone.

Desire coursed through my veins, thicker than blood.

I wanted this.

I wanted him.

His chest pressed against my own. Legs entangled with mine. And my hands are pinned above my head.

Say it Veer.

Yes. Tell me. You need this. Tell me I am not the only one feeling like this.

" I don't seem to care anymore. I want you , Peaches."

" Coloured in my hues, marked with my touch, tainted in my darkness and engraved into my heart."

Gripping my hips he tugs me closer and I gasp. Fuck! It's getting too hot.

"  Tell me now, do you want this? Do I have the permission to make you mine?"

I was heaving. Like I ran a marathon. When we haven't even started.

Gulping. I asked myself the question. Was I ready?

Do I trust him enough to give my first time to him?

He was waiting. His hands grips loosening around my wrist. His hot breaths fan my lips.

And I closed my eyes to speak.

" Y-"

His grip my chin to tilt up my head. Making my eyes flutter open.

" Look into my eyes and say it Peaches. With confidence, determination and need."

Damn it. He is making the churning in my stomach go haywire. I think I will go insane by the time the rain stops tonight.

His thump traces my lip, waiting. And I move my trembling lips to speak.

" I want you, Veer. I-"

" Again. Without your lips trembling."

He grunts in that domineering voice and I gulp. Biting my lip, I try again. And his gaze wavers down to my lip.

" Make me yours , Veer Singh Rathore."

His thin lips lift up into a smirk and next I know, they crash into mine. Making me explode.

" That's my girl, Peaches."

The Beast And The ProdigyWhere stories live. Discover now