Maybe it's because Kong Hongxi has a gentle personality and doesn't have the crazy energy yet, so Bai Yeming still prefers to get along with him.

In the afternoon, he and Kong Hongxi were searching for so-called clues in the garden. Bai Yeming didn't know much about this kind of thing. He only knew that he might need to find out the history of those evil ghosts in order to find their shortcomings.

History...the past...

It was a group of rigorous evil ghosts. After finding nothing again, Bai Yeming was a little hesitant: "They said... they have been trapped here for a long time, and it seems that they are waiting for a sacrifice."

"Is that so?"

Glancing at Bai Yeming thoughtfully, Kong Hongxi smiled softly: "Is it you, the sacrifice? Do you mean that their weakness is you?"

Raising his head suddenly as if frightened, Bai Yeming let out a sigh and shook his head at a loss: "I don't know, they said something about sacrifices before, saying that someone would bring sacrifices in."

"I see."

After nodding in agreement, Kong Hongxi suddenly reached out his hand and helped Bai Yeming pick off the leaves on his head.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing Kong Hongxi's question, Bai Yeming's expression was a little bitter: "I have no money, I was fired."

"That's it."

Not only Pan Guangyao knew it, but Kong Hongxi also knew it: "Actually, even if we help you escape from here, those evil ghosts probably won't let you go after we complete our mission and leave."

"At that time, you may taste the pain that is worse than death. You will be forced to come back here again. You will be short of money, hungry, driven out, and your life will be full of frustrations until you take the initiative to come back."


He didn't expect that he would not be let go even after he escaped from here. Bai Yeming was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Then I..." After finally recovering, Bai Yeming's eyes were sore, "Just leave here. I don't want to be trapped here after I die."

"Poor little one."

Kong Hongxi's voice was pitiful, and he stretched out his hand to gently caress Bai Yeming's cheek: "Actually, there is a way, but it's a little troublesome. We can apply for one more player to join, so that you can escape from this world."

His eyes suddenly lit up. Bai Yeming took Kong Hongxi's arm and begged in a low voice: "Please, please help me..."

"But..." Kong Hongxi paused, and then added, "After you leave this world, you will join our team."

Seeing Bai Yeming's confused expression, he laughed: "Or you can team up with me alone, and I can protect you."

To be honest, he really liked this little guy who was so lovable when he cried, so there was no harm in pampering him a little.

Team up...

He didn't understand why, but Bai Yeming subconsciously had an ominous premonition, but this should be his only chance.

"Okay, I...I want to team up with you."

Hearing Bai Yeming's agreement, the smile on Kong Hongxi's face deepened.

"Don't tell them, otherwise they may stop you and you won't be able to escape."

If Kong Hongxi pointed out something, Bai Yeming nodded quickly, but he didn't expect that he would be asked all over by several other people in the next few days.

Afraid of not being able to escape, Bai Yeming could only agree over and over again.

Until one night, Bai Yeming did not return to the bedroom, but chose to stay.

This is the day when all evil ghosts will wake up. When he saw the thick black fog appearing, Pan Guangyao stretched out his hand and pressed the dagger against Bai Yeming's neck.

This group of strict evil spirits seems to have no weaknesses at all.

But in fact the weakness is too obvious.

"court death."

Seeing Pan Guangyao's actions, the evil spirits were completely angered. They went crazy and wanted to kill the group of people in front of them, especially after realizing their identities.

At the beginning of the bloody night, Bai Yeming looked at the players who stopped the evil ghosts, remembered the plan they had made before, and took advantage of the chaos to come to the door to escape.

As long as he escapes, he can wait for those players to come out and become so-called players.

The moment Bai Yeming opened the door, he heard a shrill scream coming from his ears. He subconsciously turned around and saw the eyes of the evil ghosts surrounded by players with tears of blood and unwilling roars. With.

"Do you think you can escape?"

"You can't escape..."


"The cycle of cause and effect, do you think you can escape your fate?"

A series of extremely angry roars wrapped around Bai Yeming like shackles. He ran out desperately until his legs became weak and he fell to the ground, completely fainting.

When Bai Yeming woke up again, the world in front of him became extremely strange.

Several people had worked hard to help him figure out the player's identity before. They couldn't form a team outside the guild, so they had no choice but to let Bai Yeming come to the player world first.

After becoming a player, you can return to the system world as long as you complete the task.

There was also a communication system handed to him by several people on his wrist, and news quickly came from it.

Kong Hongxi: Let’s form a team.

Chang Yeliang: [location coordinates] Come here.

Fu Hongxuan: Where are you?

Pan Guangyao: Come to me. [Position coordinates]

Team up, what does team up mean?

Bai Yeming randomly found someone he didn't know, and just asked about the idea of ​​forming a team.

"Form a team. You need to be careful when forming a team. It is not easy to quit the team after it is successfully formed. As long as one person in the team disagrees, you cannot quit."

"I think you are a newcomer. You can check the team list and be careful not to be deceived."

Team list?

Bai Yeming looked along the man's pointing hand and saw several transparent rankings in the sky, which looked very high-end.

"If you can get in the top 100, your points will be stable in the future."

Bai Yeming was a little distracted when he saw the ranking list. He didn't hear what the man said. He only knew that the top team was full of familiar faces to him.

Once you form a team, you cannot quit.

For some reason, Bai Yeming suddenly remembered the roar of evil spirits.

"The cycle of cause and effect, do you think you can escape your fate?"

Uncontrollably shuddering, Bai Yeming turned off the communication system and looked at this strange world of people coming and going...

"Is there any way I can avoid being found by other players?"

Bai Yeming murmured subconsciously. The man mistakenly thought that he had offended someone else, and casually replied: "Go and do a solo mission. The small world is endless, and others can't find you!"

"……Thank you."

After thanking the man, Bai Yeming followed the road signs to find the mission place and took on a single mission.

Due to the cycle of cause and effect, he really couldn't escape his fate.

After being plunged into the world of horror, he was entangled by crazy lunaticsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant