Back With The Gang

Start from the beginning

The shorter boy helped Y/n with her tray so they could get there faster. "N/n, what happened??"

"Well y'know my job, I fight demons here and there and..."

"And and?"

Memories of her last encounter with Vazrith flashed by her eyes. "I... Lost someone" her voice dropped to a whisper as she was reminded. Tears once more gathered in her eyes, however, instead of crying she shook it off with a smile.

The two in front of her was shocked to say the least, having lost someone isn't something easy to move on from after all. "I'll patch you up alright, princess?" to which she nodded, Chigiri moved her hair out of her face. "Princess?"

"I'm a girl" "She's a girl"

Kurona just stared at us, seemed like he was floating out around space. "Huh?" was all he muttered, poor boy, so confused. "Can't judge on my facial features and hair since Hyoma exists, but my voice and my actions are enough to prove of that so it ain't exactly rocket science, Ranze"

"So I'm not gay?"


Chigiri finally finished bandaging the wounds on her legs, "Thankfully it wasn't deep, next is your upper body" 'And luckily Vazrith's immune to poison so I'm safe' Y/n only nodded at his statement and took off her slayer uniform, "W-wait wait, here? Right now?" Kurona set down her tray of dinner next to her.

"What? It's normal isn't it?" the ravenette was about to continue talking when the door was slid open with a huge bam. "Y/N!!" There stood Reo, looking extremely worried at one of his beloved treasures. "Yes, hi Reo" she waves to him like nothing was wrong.

BZZT!! She flinched when Chigiri was bandaging somewhere near her ribs. "Hey Y/n, do you think you can bandage yourself here?" he pointed to her chest, yeah her binder was fine but the attack still managed to cut a bit of it, harming her in the process.

She shook her head saying, "I've never patched myself before since I've never fought anyone stronger than me.." that made Chigiri remember their match against each other. "Say, when we had that match, we're you using your full power?" he asked.

"Of course not, the ball would explode" she huffed, remembering the first few days of her trying soccer. While they were conversing, Reo had already patched Y/n up, yes the wounds on her chest area, and yes he took the binder off. No attention was on him anyways since Y/n's busy talking with Chigiri and Nagi was trying his best to distract Kurona.

He had sneaked her normal bras in via Anri Teieri, he had discussed this with Anri since they both knew and worry about Y/n, so they came to good terms and agreed. Yes he had Y/n wear her bra before anyone could realize. "There we go, all that's left is your fa-" Reo paused when he looked at her eyes and noticed her ears as well.

"Rengoku Y/n. Ignoring the ears, what the fuck happened to your eye?"

"Its too long of a story, I'll save it until I'm in my deathbed.." she shrugged with a nonchalant smile, resting her head onto Reo's body. "Right, I forgot your a cold blooded person"


"But just to make sure, you won't eat us right?" he gestured to her ear. Shaking her head, she replied "No, I'm different species from those things"

Now that her patching up is all done, she can finally be rewarded with food!! That she brought in like an hour ago. Slowly pushing the now cold food away, she laid down on the bed, "...I've got some business to do, so I'm gonna head to sleep first"

Earning stares towards her once again, she grumbled curses to herself and looked at them. "It's related to my current appearance, thanks" she threw an extra pillow at them. Chigiri caught the pillow as Reo dodged it before asking, "What's sleep gotta do with you're appearance?"

"Let's just say, they're beyond this world"

"As in the dream you had when we were at Nagi's?"

"Yes, I've got questions for that woman.."

Her going to sleep ended being a cuddle session for Nagi. Two people who loves to sleep, how nice it is to be able to sleep like nothings wrong in the world. Unlike our world, I'm struggling with exams! Of course I am, I didn't even touch a book until 3 days before exam.

The remaining three boys had decided to stay, each having their own reasons. Reo, being the reliable guy he was requested by Y/n to watch over her since the last time she met Freya, he woke her up because and I quote "she felt dead"; Chigiri, decided to stay to also watch over Y/n just in case Reo fell asleep; As for Kurona... He just wanted to stay, seeing how Y/n can be so pretty even while asleep.

"It's been a while, Freya." she opened her heterochromia eyes, glaring at the gigantic woman looming over her.

(1466 words)
(Published: 22nd of Apr, 2024)
(Edited: 23rd of April, 2024)

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