Leave the past and make anew

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"Father! Father please I won't do anything bad, I didn't do anything bad I swear, please don't lock me out!" begs of a tear-filled eyes child, desperately banging on the door. "Father please! Y/n didn't do anything wrong!" the muffled voice of her brother, begging their father to let his daughter in.

"It's her fault for looking like her mother! Now shut your mouth before I lock you out too" a noise of slap and the cries of a 4 years old, Senjuro can be heard after, seems that he slapped Kyojuro. Her eyes widened at the loud voice of her supposedly idol. "Is it really my fault for looking like mama?.." she choked out, getting up from the ground with her legs shaking, bruised knees and terrible condition. 8 years old, Y/n ran away into the city and then the woods, quietly sobbing.

Unbeknownst, a pair of eyes glowed in the darkness of a shrine, watching in amusement as she sobbed, on top of a boulder. Even though she was a child, he sensed that her strength was like no others so he had to approach her quietly and cautiously. 'Why am I even doing this. I'm not even interested in children' he thought in a disgusted voice.

Poking the child, making sure she was unconscious before gently picking her up into his arms. He stared down at her with a blank face, 'Seems that little one cried herself to sleep. Bruised knees, bad condition, torn clothes.. what is this feeling of, pity? sympathy?', his stony expression slowly softened into a gentle gaze.

He thought for a little while and sigh, knowing what he was about to do was stupid. He walked towards the shrine and put her down on a soft surface while avoiding to wake her up. He searched, for a talisman, a fulu. Placing it on her chest, he chanted a few words of incantation before disappearing into her.

5 am arrived, she woke up not in the woods or the shrine, but in front of her house. She wondered what had happened, and has probably forgotten, however her tear stained face remains as she went back to sleep.


'Ah yes.. A Monday morning. *Inserts bird noises in the morning*'

"Shut the hell up Shawn" a particular person groaned, struggling to get out of her bed. 'Fuck did I do to you, woman?? My name's not even Shawn 😒' "Oh I don't know.. being the voice in my head that always tells me to get PEANUT BUTTER, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?" 'Touché that's my bad, I got hungry 😋'

"N/n, who're you talking to!?" Kyojuro shouted from the kitchen of the estate, where I'm guessing he is since he's a glutton.. A cute glutton! "Nothing Kyo, just the voices in my head" She rolled her eyes, getting out from bed to the kitchen. 'Lol, not even therapy can get me out 😙'

"You can be easily exercised by a priest y'know" 'You love me too much to do that 🤗'

"You wanna bet?" '...Of course not.'

"Fancy for a bit of breakfast before meeting with the Master?" He asked, holding out a plate of nothing but meat. "You know I'm not one to eat breakfast" she sighed, grabbing a whole carton of milk to drink. "Roger that, have fun on today's mission then!!" he exclaimed, his usual bright smile blinding her eyes. "Ugh.. I need to meet up with the Master..." a look of disdain appeared on her face. "I just said that!!"

'Lemme have a sip of that c'mon 😔💔'

"Begone demon." 'Meanie 😒'

Timeskip (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Meeting with the Master wasn't as annoying or anything negative as she thought, it was her first time meeting him after all. Never thought he'd be so calming and peaceful. That was until...

"I'm sorry you want me to what?" she looked offended, raising an eyebrow like it'll help her hear better. "To dress up as a boy and protect a bunch of boys" he nodded with a calming smile and closed eyes. "Haha, no. I'd look hot as fuck as a dude but there's no way I'm protecting a bunch of boys." she would fake a smile and a laugh.

"Language, also I'll double Kyojuro's usual salary"

"What's that gotta do wi-" 'Think about it dumbass, Kyojuro gets double, it's too much for him alone, he gives you either half or most the amount' "Deal, no objections, no takebacks, I'm down" 'Thank me, pookie 💋'

"Very well, you'll be away for a long time though, will that be alright?" He slightly frowned, unsure whether she'd still agree to the mission. "In that case, can Bibi come with me?" I looked up at him, starting to feel nervous when I heard "away for a long time". "Of course she can" he smiled, knowing that she'll accept if there's a travel companion.

She nodded to his words, saying goodbyes after getting more information from him. 'Looks like someone's gotta wear a binder 😨' "Why are you like this.." 'But for real though, what's that blue lock project about? Why can't those little boys protect themselves?? Is the security system THAT bad? And how did this Ego person know about the corps?!' "Stop asking questions, will ya?" 'Ugh fine 🤬'

The walk back to the flame hashira's estate was quiet, even after arriving it was still quiet. "Kyo's got a mission huh? Guess I'll be alone for today.." she mumbled. 'Bitch what the fuck am I?? A ROACH??!' "SHUT THE FUCK UP MANS"

(915 words)
(Published : 25th of November, 2023)
(Edited : 27th of Nov, 2023)

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