Roaming Around

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When she got enough of the vibration in her bag, she quickly boarded the train and checked her phone. Just for her to see a total amount of 50 messages, including 20 tags.

Mental Asylum



Tag me 1 more time
and it'll be the last time
you can type.


How does one understand

thats what I've been

what is this lukewarm gc.

Thats Rin
No doubt


You went offline

Texting was never Y/n's thing, she prefers to talk in real life since it's much easier. She turned off her phone and slowly dozed off to the land of dreams. During this time however, she woke up. Magenta greenish eyes, darting everywhere on the train.

Checking the interior design, the people aboard, the outside. "This body feels too stiff, Y/n.." he grumbled, changing Y/n's hairstyle to a half ponytail. Luckily for him, Y/n's hair was cut to shoulder length, making the girl look cool enough for his taste.

'She forgot to wear her shitty binder..' he mentally sighed and went through Y/n's bag, after a while of rummaging, he finally found a binder. He immediately went to the train's toilet so put it on. "Should I? I've seen her body tons of times already anyways whatever"

He rolled his eyes and quickly put on the binder, fixing the outfit in the process. The train arrived soon after he was done fixing the outfit, "Since you're asleep right now, I'll take this as a chance to have fun once in a while" he mischievously chuckled, gaining weird stares at him.

That, was an hour ago. Right now he's roaming around the city, killing off some small pesky demons while doing so. "Man your job is tiring, but the money you make is quite worth it" he grumbled, throwing away the 5th demon head.

He walked on the city rooftops with his hands behind his head when he noticed a certain group of boys hanging around nearby. 'Aren't those kids Y/n's friends?' 'Yes they are.' "EEEK" he shrieked before covering his mouth out of embarrassment. 'What are you doing with my body demon'

Y/n returned to her own body just to find out that her outfit was splattered with blood. "You're lucky that this isn't one of my fancy outfits" 'C'mon, I gotta have fun too y'know 😔😔' "Shut up" she coldly answered and went to jump down to an alley to change.

She sighed, feeling refreshed now that she's in new clothes instead of sticky blood stained clothes. Of course she blames him for this. Y/n walked across the street, sneaking up on a certain ravenette. She sneaked her hand around his neck, "Hi~" she whispered like a ghost whistling.

"If the others hadn't told me it was you I would've screamed" Isagi muttered, his heart almost pumping out of his body because of the surprise and maybe something else. The others being some of team Z and two of team V. "Wow, such betrayal" she uninterestedly looked at them.

Will Of The Burning Flames Never Go OutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang