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Tears fell as I stood over my own mother's grave, I heard a scoff behind me, "Ya' gotta get over her" I turned around to see my brother, Michael, "She's gone, nun ya can do" It seemed as if he had been hiding a cocky smirk with sadness, I wiped my eyes, "Not everyone is as strong as you. Not everyone could easily get over something like their own mother's death." I heard a scoff from Michael, "Yeah, well it's your fault she died anyways." He spat, tears formed in my eyes again, "I can't believe anyone would want a daughter like you! Weak and Pathetic! Can't ever get anything done! Maybe if you died instead of her then everyone would be happier!" He walked away from me, I stood there in shock, we had our fair share of arguments but he had never said something like this, it stuck onto me like tar.

It had been a couple hours, I was still outside in the pouring rain, hood up, I checked my watch, "11:47pm" I muttered to myself, I continued to walk till I got a call, I saw who it was, the contact name read, 'Mike.' I ignored it and put in my headphones.

I kept getting calls over and over again and I obviously never answered, I didn't wanna go home but I found myself as the foot of my house, turning the handle. Once I walked inside I immediately got yelled at, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" My father stood angrily in front of me, "MICHAELS BEEN CALLING YOU FOR HOURS!" He glared at me, I yelled back, "Maybe I would've answered if he didn't say anything about my dead fucking mother!" That made him angrier "MICHAEL DID NOT! WHY DID GOT CURSE ME WITH YOU?" I yelled once again, "IM NOT FUCKING LIEING!" I felt a sharp pain cross my face, he slapped me. "DON'T EVER SAY THAT TO ME!" He was about to explode with anger, I quickly turned and ran upstairs into my room, slamming and locking it shut.

I was drawing on my arm when I got yelled for, "REI!NGET DOWN HERE NOW!" I scoffed and walked downstairs, my father roughly shoved a plate of foot in my hands, "Take it and go upstairs!" I did just that, not saying a word, I left my food on the counter near the door, I layed down and went to sleep.

Graveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن