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Fae's POV

I'll never get over the feeling of flying in my Cessna 172. Riding through the clouds, seeing the world sprawled out seemingly endless below, and the feeling of being one with the sky. I had just graduated from medical school with the highest honors for my dedication, so I thought I'd celebrate by taking my beloved plane up for a flight over the vast forests of Kentucky, my home state. I would be celebrating with my family, except I'm an only child, and my parents had sadly passed away last year, weeks apart from each other. So, being up here among the clouds... makes me feel like their both flying right beside me. As I'm about to land after a couple of hours of flying, I'm about to head back to the landing strip when I see a very strange thing, like a glowing neon tear right up there in the sky.

"ATCT Standiford. This is Cessna 172 Celestial Dream. Do you copy, over?" I spoke into my headset. "We copy, ya. What's the situation?" They answered. "I'm seeing something very strange at my location. I can't really tell what it is, but I swear it looks like a tear in the middle of the sky." I said through my headgear.  "You're not kidding! We're detecting something near your location, Celestial Dream! You better land as fast as you can while we contact the nearest airbase to check it out." They answered over my headset.

"Roger, ATCT Standiford. I'll-what the hell?!" I exclaimed as the controls my plane seemed to take on a mind of their own. "Celestial Dream. What's your situation?" The air tower inquired as I struggled with the controls. "Somethings wrong! My control aren't responding to me! It's like somethings taking control of my plane!" I said, trying my hardest to get my plane under control. With growing dread, I realized that the controls were steering towards the rip in the sky, and no matter what I did, it wouldn't change its course. "Celestial Dream! You're getting too close to the anomaly!" The air tower was now shouting over my headset, making my ears ache from the volume. "Something's taken over the plane! I can't steer it away! I'm gonna have to bail out!" I said over the headset as I try to unbuckle from my seat. But before I could push the button, the plane sped up faster before I could. "Celestial Dream! Get out of there! N-!" The connection cut out as I went through the rip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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