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- M A T T E O -

There she is, for the first time in six years, giving me a disgusted look when I tell her I'm sorry.

I know it's not going to make up for the six years that I was gone and I don't expect her to forgive me straight away for what I did, but I didn't expect her to completely hate me - at least it seems that way.

For the first year, I would still check on her through old friends, but it seemed that she was fine so I stopped in order to not danger her further.

I look back at Enzo, who's shocked to see me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, making sure his wraps were on correctly. I take a deep breath before giving the referee a nod when he asks the two of us are we ready.

"I'm sorry, Enzo." I say and I hear the bell ring.

"Fuck you." He says and throws a hard punch at my jaw. I stumble back a little since I didn't expect it, but I regain focus and throw a punch at his nose to gain myself some time.

Unfortunately for me, he seemed unfazed by the punch and tried for another punch to my jaw. However, I saw it coming and dodged it, punching him in the stomach as I did.

"You never gave a shit about my sister. You never even loved her." He groaned as he steadied himself back on his feet from my punch.

His words infuriated me. I know I did something extremely fucked up, but he doesn't even know my side of the story. How could he judge me and he didn't even know my reason?

I throw a hard punch at his jaw, followed by a hard punch to his stomach.

He falls to his knees, his body bent in half and blood falling his mouth. The referee sees this and starts the count.

Lorenzo tries to stand up, but his body doesn't allow him to.

The bell rings, signaling that the fight is over.

He looks up at me with pure hatred in his eyes. "You don't know anything." I say and face the crowd as the referee lifts my arm, declaring me the winner.

I scan every face in the crowd as they erupt in cheers and I finally find hers. And Madeleine's.

"I'm sorry." I repeat my words from the beginning of the fight. This time she responds with a look of hurt on her face.

A look that's asking me, "Why?"

And as much as I want to, I simply can't give her that answer.

"I can't." I mouth and she shakes her head, getting up from her seat and walking away with Madeleine.

I fucked up.


- L O R E N Z O -

What the hell did he mean by that?

"You don't know anything."

What don't I know?

I'm walking out with Lena and Mads and I see their moods have completely changed from when we first walked in. Of course they did, he was there.

As we're all just walking to my car in silence, someone steps in front of us.


Elena looks shocked to see him up close and I can see she's analyzing him. Almost as if she's trying to remember his old features.

"Lena, we-"

"Move, asshole." Mads says and walks around him, holding Elena's hand and taking her to the car.

He sighs and looks back at me.

"What did you mean?" I ask and I can tell he knows what I'm talking about.

"I can't tell you." He looks around as the words come out of his mouth. "If it has something to do with my sister, you're going to tell me." I demand.

He looks around once again and nods. "Fine, but you can't tell anyone, especially Elena. If she knows it's just putting her at risk again." He tells me.

Putting her at risk again?

"How was she at risk?" I lean against the wall behind me.

"When I left-"

"Enzo, come on." I look behind him and see Mads standing there with her arms crossed.

I nod and look back at Matteo.

"Meet me in the arena to practice tomorrow morning." I say and he nods, looking around once again before walking away.

I walk towards Mads and try to hold her hand, but she snatches her hand away from me. "Why were you talking to him?"

"He was talking about practicing." I lie and she rolls her eyes at me. She stops walking and looks at me.

"You know what he's done to Lena and you're practicing with him?" She asks. "She's your sister, Enzo. You can't do shit like that. He fucking ruined her."

"I know, I'm sorry. I won't talk to him anymore after tomorrow." I say and she nods.

"Just don't let Lena find out." She tells me before turning around and walking to her car.

He better have a good fucking reason.


im writing consistently?!?!

finally im committing to one of my books so let's hope this continues

this chapter is kind of short but i wanted to put the "practicing" scene in the next chapter

also thinking about changing enzo's fc so if you guys have any suggestions please lmkkk

tiktok: _kenzwrites

if you see any mistakes, tell meee

ily all and have a great day/night <33

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