
why are u being such a bitch :(

i actually thought u were kind of cute today

but i guess u must be playing hard to get?

Oh, fuck that.

Your fingers react before you can even think it through, and you grit your teeth as you furiously construct a response.


Don't call me a bitch.

Also, I'm tired right now, so I don't feel like talking.



are u the type to use proper punctuation and shit when you text

that's kind of cute

it makes sense since ur so uptight


Who cares how I spell my texts?

And did you not read the part about me not wanting to talk?

I'm gonna go now.



wait before u go

i have one last question




hypothetically speaking

what are the odds

of u sending me nudes?


You throw your phone across the room.


Xavier doesn't really know how to describe what he's feeling.

These past few weeks have been strange, to say the least. Most people would describe him as being stoic, perhaps even a bit on the icier side. He minds his manners and is respectful, unless someone gives him a reason not to be, but he tends to be rather detached and doesn't often try to get close to others-humans and vampires alike.

However, lately, things have been different.

Even though he almost never takes an interest in other people, with you, he can't help but be curious. It must be due to the unique circumstances the two of you share. Most people would probably never experience a contractual arrangement such as this one, and since you're the first human he's bitten and taken blood from directly in a very long time, naturally, you've left a strong impression on him.

It's been many years since he did something like this. In fact, the last time a human ever shared their blood with him, at the expense of their own discomfort, was back when he was still a young child. There was a kind human, a man, who was on rather close terms with his family and chose to live in a vampire-dominated city. He occasionally let Xavier drink his blood and patted his head gently, as if to reassure him that everything was okay. Perhaps that was his way of showing him that not all humans naturally fear vampires. Perhaps the man wanted Xavier to grow up believing that he wasn't a monster, as other humans would so often say.

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