No thanks, she'd rather shut up, no matter how hard it was to keep quiet in her frustration.

Numerous eyes followed them as they crossed the hall, passing ornate tables and potted plants. Core kept her eyes pinned straight ahead at the table beside an intricate fountain, measuring her steps as she stepped into a patch of red-orange light. The Draco Zone, where the higher ranked army trainees stayed. Just a few more and she would reach the Andromeda Zone, highlighted by the gold and blue rays streaming from the high ceiling.

She ignored the interested looks the boys threw her way as she passed their tables, and dug her nails into her palms when a few catcalls were directed at her. She was a pawn and they were the kings; they were lucky she had even the slightest bit of responsibility for her father and country, or else she would have pummeled all of them, damn it.

Van seemed to take the other boys' interest as encouragement; he slipped his arm around her shoulders just as she was about to step on a stone drenched in golden light, tugging her close. "I'll see you tonight at the Galactic Army Ball," he whispered against her ear.

She couldn't help stiffening against the breath that fanned her ear, and Van grinned at that reaction, mistaking it for fear. In truth, it was rage that was near past boiling out of her.

"Of course," Core bit out, sliding away and stepping into her territory as graceful as she can. People were watching her, were always watching her, and there was really no room for mistakes. Even as she strode forward she could feel Van's eyes pinned at the back of her head, can even imagine his victorious smirk as he stood right before the markings of Andromeda Zone. She passed rows of females that encompassed the gold and blue zone, staring, murmuring, and smiling in that cold, calculated way that only daughters of important people knew how to do.

Even amidst the stares and far away from Van, her encounter with him was still what disturbed her the most. She knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted the prestige and power that came with being associated to her. She had a plan to ever keep that from fully happening, but it seemed like he was determined to gather troops for his personal arsenal.

Too bad she was a lot smarter than he took her for. Than all of them took her for. She was already steps ahead, and though she may seem like a mere pawn, she had the heart of a queen -- she'll beat them at their own little game.

As soon as Core rounded the fountain, she spotted Aurora by their usual table. Aurora's emerald green eyes stared back at her coolly, and Core managed to breathe out a relaxing exhale from the familiarity. She can loosen up a bit now, though not completely, never as completely as she was able to as Nightshade.

"Knox didn't get to pick you up after your class," Aurora commented. She had an herb pasta in front of her, fork poised mid-twirl as Core sat in front of her.

Stiffly nodding, Core laced her hands together and let them rest on the marble table top. "You didn't hear the Headmistress' announcement?"

"We went out deep into the field for Floriography today," Aurora said simply. She resumed her meal, twirling strands of pasta around her fork before guiding it to her mouth.

Core sighed, reaching over for the cup of tea Aurora always got for her. "He got himself into a situation again that unfortunately involves Van." She cradled the lukewarm cup with her hands, bringing it to her lips for a sip.

"Speaking of Van," Aurora continued. "He has some nerve showing his advances on a publicly taken lady." There were air quotes around 'taken,' and Core almost snorted her tea out.

She laid her tea cup down, lips stretching into a playful grin. "Knox can hardly 'take' me on a fistfight, much less in the way you're suggesting."

Aurora quirked one perfectly curved brow, unamused. "You know what I mean." Then her gaze switched to something behind Core's shoulder, and Core didn't need to look back to know Knox was finally there. But then Aurora visibly stiffened, eyes narrowed and hand clenched over her fork.

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