long distance lOve

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Wookjin looked at social media, and saw alot of different photos of his friends doing fun stuff.

He sighed and closed out if it.

He was dealing with an unmeasurable amount of stress and he didn't know how to make it stop.

it felt s uff0cating.

he tried everything and nothing helped.

he stayed strong, but when no one was around, he'd hug his knees and cry, feeling the weight of everything come crashing down around him.

The walls he built up, he just watched as they crumbled down.

he tried messaging his friends, but they either ignored him or said they can't talk because they have a party in a few hours.

Wookjin felt like he was overreacting, but he just decided to keep it to himself..

It's better that way.

long distance lOve Where stories live. Discover now