long distance lOve [part 3]

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He checks around and sees if any of his friends are worried about Wook.

but all he saw was them to excited about a date or a party, and shading him.

It made him kinda mad.

because after what Wookjin told him, his friends don't give a damn.

Kyubin thought maybe, that was a hyperbole, but now he sees, that they're not his real friends..

"what kind of real friend posts about you being sad and stressy in their dms, and shades you for it???" Kyubin asked himself.

"How can they just flat out ignore him!? He needs them! he needs hugs and reassurance!"

Kyubin sighs and rubs his hands on his face.

Hiding his face, he was so mad at them, that he needs to cool off.

he gets out his water from his refrigerator and pours it into a glass.

he sits at his floor length windows and just looks outside, he starts thinking, and thinking.


His eyes sparkle as he got an idea

He video calls Wookjin.

long distance lOve [Hiatus]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें