Chapter One: Poor Thing

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She couldn't let weariness slow her down. It had only been a few days since Brenna escaped Cray's manor, and she felt she couldn't get far enough before she could allow herself to rest. She didn't know where she was going, finding herself in foreign territory.

Her shoulder throbbed in pain. The night she escaped, one of the guards had shot her with an arrow, making every move a painful effort. She did her best to bind the wound, stopping only briefly at the side of the road before continuing her escape.

Keeping to the forest, Brenna stopped and hid behind the trees and bushes as others would pass her by on the road. Each time, Brenna held her breath. She would not go back to that place. She would not marry the man her parents barely knew. In that one moment where Cray had hurt her, even for a brief moment, she could see everything was all just an act with him. Their marriage would be just that also.

A cold wind went by, making her shiver and pull her cloak tight around her shoulders. She wished she was able to grab a warmer cloak before leaving, but at least it kept her hidden in the shadows when need be.

It was another long night of traveling, the moon hung high in the air. Brenna was struggling to keep her balance on the horse she had taken when she thought she heard a sound behind her. Turning in her seat, she saw no one. Perhaps it was just her fearful imagination toying with her. She was about to continue when she heard it again. The sound of a group of horses charging down the road in her direction.

Quickly, she urged her horse into the woods once again and dismounted to hide behind a large tree. She peeked around the trunk to see a group of men pass by. They had to have been sent by Cray. She knew it would only be a matter of time before they caught up with her.

Brenna could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she pressed closer to the tree trying to blend in with her surroundings. She froze when she saw one of the men stop before the others joined him.

"What is it?" one man asked.

"Tracks. They're fresh..." The first man paused to study the ground. "They go into the forest."

Brenna didn't wait to listen any longer. She bolted in the opposite direction, leaving her horse behind. The forest was too dense for her to get very far on horseback; so going on foot seemed to be the best idea. Also, it was too late for her to change her mind. Those men had probably heard her by now.

She hurried as fast as she could, hoping the riders weren't as surefooted as their steeds. Making sharp turns, going in no particular direction, she refused to stop.

Daring a quick look over her shoulder, a root caught her foot and she tumbled down a hill. Rock dug into her, cutting through the fabric of her dress and any exposed skin. She kept falling until she found herself looking up at the spinning, starry sky through the canopy of leaves.

In the distance, she could hear the footfalls of the pursuing riders.

"Where did she go?" a voice asked.

"I don't know. Come on, she probably went this way," another voice said before they continued their chase, taking them away from where Brenna lay.

She tried to sit up, but her head hurt and the world around her kept spinning out of the control. Sinking back against the ground, she took a couple of deep breaths trying to get her bearings. She froze when she heard footsteps coming her way.

Was this it? Would she find herself locked away in Duke Cray's manor, never to step outside again?

Dark spots clouded her vision as she saw a pair of feet next to her.

"Poor thing..." a soft voice said before the world faded into darkness.

The Runaway Princess (The Princess Thief #2) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now