2~ Starting plans

Start from the beginning

The Potters appeared next followed by none other than Tom Riddle. Tom wasted no time and spoke, "alright, why are we all here?"

Siria nodded feeling nervous as this could either go perfectly or be an absolute disaster. "You all know me as Siria Morrigan Le Fay." They all nodded as she took a breath "But I used to be Siria Black."

"Black," Arcturus spoke first. "How?"

"I was Walburga Black and Orion Black's eldest child. Heiress Black."

Regulus was stunned as he looked at who used to be his older sister "what happened?"

Siria turned to him "I died." Regulus noticed that James grasped Siria's arm in horror. Siria ignored him and looked at everyone "I'll start at the beginning. I was born Siria Orion Black the heiress to House Black. I never really cared for Pureblood ideals but it only got bad after I came to Hogwarts."

She took a breath "I was sorted into Gryffindor and mother didn't take too kindly to that. I got three howlers in one day." All of their eyes widened. "I ended up making friends with three people James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew." James nodded and smiled at that.

"We were insane to put it lightly," Siria smiled a bit at the memories. "We loved pranking and were each good at our own thing. We even became animagi in our fifth year."

"What were you?" Alphard couldn't help but ask.

"I was a black dog," Siria started. "James was a stag, Remus a wolf, and Peter a rat." Most of the elders including Tom Riddle were impressed at the prowess of the four. "Anyway, the home situation with me became worse and worse before I ran away and to the Potters."

Orion couldn't help but feel awful knowing that he was probably part of the reason his kid had left. Siria continued "like my cousin Andromeda, I was blasted off of the tapestry. They made Regulus my younger brother Heir Black except it didn't take."

"Why not?" Walburga asked.

"Because," Siria started looking at Arcturus and then Orion. "The Lord Black line comes from Orion's bloodline, not yours. I was never fully disowned as Orion didn't do it as well. Had I been I would have lost all of my magic. As Orion or Arcturus hadn't disowned me, the ring wouldn't accept Regulus."

Regulus nodded as well as the Lestranges and James because that did make sense. Siria was about to keep talking when a bright light flashed and a blonde appeared out of nowhere. She took a look around and did a double take when she saw Tom Riddle "you have a nose?"

Siria busted out laughing but stopped when the blonde pinned her with a look "Siria Orion Black, when the hell were you going to tell me that you had survived your crazy cousin and went back in time? Do you know how worried I was about you? Rabastan as well considering you're the only family he actually likes anymore."

Rabastan did a doubletake at the mention of his name but shook his head. Siria sighed "well, my crazy cousin did actually kill me so."

The blonde rushed forward and hugged her tightly before pulling away. "Hi, I'm Ciara Malfoy Lestrange."

Siria nodded "anyway, Regulus ended up taking the mark and becoming a Death Eater before betraying Lord Voldemort by finding his Horcrux and destroying it then dying by drowning."

Regulus was horrified by all of that and wondered what he had been thinking. Siria continued needing to get this out "then James and Lily got married, had a son, was hunted by Voldemort, then were murdered by said man, their son killed Voldemort, I was put into Azkaban for 12 years, then I died."

Everyone had their jaws dropped at this point. Alphard spoke then "why were you crying when you saw me?"

Siria turned to him "you were the only one who would send me letters at Hogwarts even after I was disowned. You left me money in your will so that I would be okay. I visited you all the time and we would just talk and I could vent to you. It was one of those visits that I had just gotten to the house when I saw Bellatrix and I knew what was going to happen. You refused to bow to Voldemort and so he got rid of you. I watched Bellatrix kill you."

Arcturus looked confused "if you loved Alphard so much why didn't you save him?"

"I wanted to," Siria spoke with tears in her eyes and she went into her memories of that day. "I tried. I had even pulled my wand out ready to attack. Alphard saw me and shook his head. I didn't know why he had stopped me until I heard the others. Cygnus, Rodolphus, and Pollux." Alphard and all the others looked at the three mentioned in shock that they had murdered Alphard.

Siria swallowed and continued "Bellatrix gave Alphard one more chance to side with Voldemort. Alphard just looked at her in disappointment and said "Blacks don't bow." The next thing I saw was a flash of green and I heard a thump as Alphard's body fell to the floor."

Everyone gasped in horror but Tom noticed that Siria's eyes were empty like that life didn't exist anymore. James looked at Siria "h-how did I die?"

Siria turned to him "Lord Voldemort. Peter betrayed us. You wanted to make me the secret keeper when we figured out that Voldemort was after you but I refused knowing that I would be the first person he looked for especially considering you were basically my brother at that time. I convinced you to make it Peter. That night, I felt something was wrong so I went to check on Peter. He wasn't there. At first, I thought he was taken until I realized there were no signs of a struggle at all. I went to your place but I was too late. You and Lily were already dead. I went after Peter but he escaped after killing thirteen muggles. I was framed for it and put into Azkaban."

Everyone remained shocked before Siria continued "I was then killed by Bellatrix trying to protect James's son before I woke up here determined to change everything."

No one said a word. Everyone just stared in flat-out shock and horror.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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