little bit and nuff😮‍💨 PART 1

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SO i cross the road and went over there I order a rum cream and weed

Subconscious as a broke gurl kmt yo know how much fi a rum cream 500 hundred bblc dollars so which broke kmt so leff mi alone

SO  now I get what I need and start drink and building a stilf Subconscious yo buy weed like wi can make it 🤣🤣🤣

When i saw a red bmw park right in front of the bar then I saw two sexy ass lady's get out of it and there were two guys Aswell they

Looked rich not rich rich but like they have alot of money

I was about to get up and go home but they sat down right across from me,and I didn't want it to look obvious that I was staring.

So now I was still sitting there looking still as  a doll and then one of the girl keep looking at me weird mi hate when ppl a look pon mi😶‍🌫️

this gal yer a stare pon mi like mi have on something fi her

Lol mi a talk like mi wouldn't f**k

Subconscious-that right wi a sadamite 😅

Woiii play it cool now look pon her and look directly ina her eye mind yo make the girl beat wi but wait she say something

Subconscious-bathroom woii mind she f**k we off in there so and remember we a Virgin but go girl

At least she no ugly and mamaz sexy yo f**k🫠

At least she no ugly and mamaz sexy yo f**k🫠

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The girl 🫠

Subconscious as a big sadamite shut up wi a big sadamite

And she mouthed something that said meet me in the bathroom I didn't wanna go but I was bored and she cute yf

I went and when I did she held my hand and starts to cry call out my name

Subconscious mi not even do nothing to her as yet and she a call out mi name woii soon make she eye roll tho🙄 back to reality now

SHE was saying fi i remember her and I said no she looked hurt and puzzled I said I don't think so

And she said sorry and stared at me for a while till she left me and went outside again now I'm just puzzled

Pov Cece/Lia/Cecelia

When I walk into the bar and saw a pretty familiar face

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When I walk into the bar and saw a pretty familiar face

I felt like I was going to have an heart attack she look just like anna that

My anna I was speechless even when kevin and tae try talking to me I was not replying a single word until she look by my direction still surprise

I could see her full face and it was her right than and there I said to myself I'm not losing her again so I mouthed to her so meet me in the bathroom

SHE did then I was thinking what I should say to her

AND when she come into the bathroom I wanted to hug her and kiss her etc 🫠 but something stop me she look at me like she doesn't know me

SO I ask her anna do you remember me

AND she said no with a puzzled expression
I started to cry I can't believe this i wait 7 year just to find out she doesn't remember me.

I was hurt and I could see the confusion on her face I just lefted her in there speechless

POV anna

I was still confused by why this girl started to cry and then she call me by my name so she known mi before

I couldnt say anything more then thing to my Subconscious before she ask me fi I know her I Don't so I said no

AND before I could ask her the same question she started to cry a minute after she stop and want outside

Subconscious _but mi did want her number tho kmft wicked gal🥲

I look in mirror for atleast a minute to pull myself from overthinking.

When I headed back out to see all of them concern face looking back at me

AND to the girl then one of the guys came to me and said can I ask you something

Subconscious _fi a marry him  ask yo fi marriage yo better take it😏 mn cute yf

HE brought me out side and said if I remember any of the dem I said no and looked back in side

I didn't remember none of them then the boy start to cry aswell so I fell bad that I don't remember them but I don't know them

POV tae/tata🫠

Tae 24American

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Now I know what Cecelia felted but as she said no I start to cry I couldn't stop myself😥

I cry for a 3 minute then about 1 minute as i stopped crying and was talking to her

I looked over her shoulder and saw a man in full black looking at me with a gun pointed at anna head

Subconscious supposed yo hurt the gural idiot boyyy maje Lia pretty up yo face with gunshot yer that lol😅

I push her out of the way and they started a shotout

SO I pull out my gun and started to fire

THEN she start to cry then I felt like she should have to go through this again

WHEN a looked over at the guys I saw that they were shoting aswell but alot of people get hurt

ABOUT 1 minute they stop shoting and drive off I pick up anna and told her to show me
where she live and when she did i told the guy to follow me.

HER house wasn't big but it look big for one person

but I have something bigger 😉 mnk fi it can fit tho 🤫

Creater 🥰I'm trying to make this story with alot of plot twist as a teen writer😅 so please tell me fi you like the book

Update monday😉

I don't know what I want (Love Or S*x/money😅🥰Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin