flash the angelic creature

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As I went to class I was so angry on that a-n-g-e-l...
You really think you will survive after this mr..
Yah you can call me flash  k
How about F**k I said in my mind
Decision is yours dear
That word ewe so angelic
I wish to get another deskmate but it was impossible the seats are arranged by God himself after  every million years he comes to this uni and arranged that year students seats
Guess I am unlucky ...
Now I started hating god for real ...
So his name is flash huh..
He is irritatingly handsome and charming
It was time to go to hell back I was so happy and sad that I ruined my first day this was all because of that flask...
I was packing my back and he interrupted demons are so funny and cute
I was like what the hevens this guy wants me to k*ll him or something really ....c-u-t-e  no way why are you cursing me like that? I asked
A curse no it was a compliment...
So cursing someone is  complimenting.
Ewe these angels are so pathetic
"Gurl demons are opposite to angels you are so silly.."
"Silly!! Thank you very much for that...!"
"You are hot."
"Hot ?? "
"No I am not i don't have fever"
"Shit! you guys are so dumb..".
"Don't do it again i said we are opposite missy..."
"Call me  sanAnaTa ok..
Ohh Santa?"
"No sanata..you dumb bish..".
"Ok San bye now..."
We both Went our way I was supposed to be angry with what happened just before but I was smiling like a fourth grade child it felt something strange I felt so light..
Mom was not so happy because I brought my luch back it was because of the punishment that carls gave...but I cannot say it to mom that I got double punishment on the very first day! I said I was not hungry mum..
Ohh no it was carls
Now I felt heavenly
I requested him not to say anything
The thing was he came to have bloodshot with my dad...
I was safe now.. but yet nervous
I was smiling like a fool remembering that guy ohh no what happened to me..
I think I am insane behaving lunatic really I need to meet God and ask why do I feel such thing..
Then I heard demon carles saying that they are opening the dormitory for demons and Angel so he wants me to be there and my dad agreed without my permission are you serious for your dad I accidentally conveyed my message to him and carles heard that too..
"okay now come out we know you heard us" carles said.
Now I could see my future so straight and clearly...
Carles said," listen you need to behave yourself in college Sanata, because flash can hear you and he holds the power of expelling any Daman anytime.."
" really why so!?"
" because his grandpa was the founder of this institute.."
" oh God seriously it was his grandpa not him stop it best you better not create any troubles now till 2 decades

"oh great haven"
" how dare you cuse in front of your father?"
"sorry dad!"
" now go to room and stop peeping"
"Ok.." I rolled my eyes and went to room
I was sad 2 decades in a dormitory bearing Angels dude the stink and eating green stuff , I may become a good person sh*t no!
"Never I cannot let that happen here is the plan I'll isolate myself"
" it is impossible ",my mom said

" why..?"
"there are rules that it is compulsory for children's of institute to have peaceful conversations between each other,"
" what peace my foot mom really"
" yes.. honey"
" really mom you had never trust me, mommy how can you say me that chesy line h- o -n -e -y darling this words and necessary there our world is opposite now bish sleep..!"
" thank god my years wear eager to hear that out"..

next day I woke up and prepared myself to stay calm and I went to mom to give me her vintage gown with the white pearl necklace," mom you know demons are allergic to that pearls"
" wish you have to wear it carles  said you will be alright so you have to be pretty and don't forget to have your lunch honey,."
" yak !mom I am at home at least let me be my way h o n e y is so cheesy"
and she exited and headed to kitchen to bring my lunch how about darling I heard this mine voice it is not mom dad and calls either I wonder who was it demon voice  to curse like this honey I'm not demon my sweetheart what the heavens who is it stinks angel not again bish no it is impossible to convey message from that far it might not be that flask
What a freak..
I am waiting for you my little demon
It was so irritating "little demon" so cringe shit I was smiling like a fool..
I headed to school on the way I saw a construction was held in near heavens as a area was so close to heaven we could see it from my balcony room  it was irritating those white marbles golden chandlers so ugly and pathetic as I went to school I sat on my desk that girl whom I saw yesterday was talking to flash..
F**k your flash you wish breaking real cell rules call carls  now you trapped yourself now
He convey the message honey read chapter 13 second verse 3rd rule in school rule book..
" I know more than you why would I listen to you ."
and I went to heads cabin he asked was it Alaska I remember the tag on her dress it did say Alaska yes I nodded
Girl read chapter 13 second verse and third rule in the school rule book what the great heavens he did say that I hope you remember who am I the great demon I said no the head of institute he just give me the glances of what would be the next punishment I freaked out and left as I went to class I open rule book chapter 13 second verse and third rule it said siblings may have conversations it might be an angel to Angel or demon to demon
I was so frustrated now...

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