Chapter 2, Adrian.

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"Deal is closed Mr. Russo; your package will be sent soon." I said closing the deal with The Russos.

I was running late for home. Very late. Like one month late. I promised mom I will be home before her birthday and I always complete my promises.

I said Christian my PA and my best friend to prepare my private jet right this moment. We are best friends since college days. He is all smiling and sunshiny which annoys me a lot but he helped me in many ways during our college. He wanted to start up an NGO for under-privileged kids but his family did not support him and disowned him. He suffered a lot, so being his best friend, I gave him some money and he became my PA. Sometimes, I also visit those kids, which gives me mental calm and happiness. I am cold hearted for the world, but for those kids, I and Christian are their superhero and I can do anything to save them and give them the life they deserve. Well, don't tell him but without him, I would not be able to make certain decisions. I am glad that he is with me, helping handle this company.

I sat in the private jet and flew towards my home. After a 2-hour long flight I finally landed and straight headed towards my home. Christian went to the NGO to meet the kids.

As I reached home, I felt like something was missing. I found the door open and took out my gun just in case. I did not find Ms. Chloe (house help who is a second parent to me). I went upstairs and went to mom's room and found it scattered. Next thing I saw, I was shocked, angry, and confused. I saw a girl standing over my mom's dead body.

My mom is DEAD!

My world stopped and I immediately ran towards my mom. Her hands were bruised, she had scratches on her head and someone had stabbed her in the stomach and heart. Anger boiled in me and I pinned the girl on the wall.

"Why. did. you. kill. her?" I said with rage in my voice.

She is too shocked to answer and she has so many expressions on her face which were very hard to read.

"I am asking you this once again, why did you kill my mom?!" I asked her once again raising my voice in a dangerous tone.

"I did not, I swear, I did not kill her." She said

"How should I believe you? I saw you standing near my mom's body!" I shouted in agony.

"I just came, I swear!" she said crying.

I could not believe her. I called the cops and the ambulance and called Christian. I never thought this would happen. I regret going on a business trip and I regret being late for 1 month.

Christian came after 10 minutes. He was beyond shocked.

"I will not leave that girl! I will send her to prison!" I said with greeted teeth.

"Rian, calm down! Think with calm mind. What if it's really not her mistake? Right now focus on Mrs. Evans. Let's go to the hospital." Christian said with understanding tone.

"I am also joining you guys!" The girl said.

No way she is coming to the hospital with us. I don't trust her!

"NO! You are not, you are going to the prison!" I said.

"Mr. Evans, we don't have enough proof against Ms. Sanchez to arrest her. The body will go in the post mortem for more research." Said the police officer.

I took a deep breath in trying to calm myself down and thinking about the situation and my mom. I ignored the girl. I will not leave her till she tells me the truth.


I made a mental note and we went to the hospital. To my distress, the girl came too. I asked Christian to ask for her details. Everything. I want her every detail, her family, her job, her income, her friends, her bank details, her call records. Everything. I solemnly swear to ruin her life, to make her life hell that she will never forget Adrian Evan's name even in her sleep. She will beg for mercy. I will make sure of it. I will get my revenge.

I called dad informing him about mom's demise and told him everything. Christian told me her name.


Aedlin Sanchez.

Wait. Sanchez. Is she related to William Sanchez? The multi-millionaire, the owner, the CEO of the world's biggest business company, the Armando group of companies. No, it can't be. Their daughter died when she was just 12 years.

Dad said he is coming catching the first flight from Italy. He went to Italy for an emergency and has been there for past 3 days. I admit he is a douchebag who only pretends to treat mom very well in public. Well first it was all good with both of them.

Dad fell in love with mom and loved her with his whole heart but one night he came in all drunk, I was 17 at that time. He was very angry and a fight irrupted between them. He hit my mom and I came in between them before he could do anything else but dad pushed me.

My mom shouted "Don't Rian. You don't know anything mijo. Just go anywhere. I will tell you everything, I promise but just go and give mom and dad some alone time please."

I ran, I just ran out of the house and it was raining heavily. I ran to the nearby park and saw a girl sitting over there, drenched in rain with a luggage in her hand and was crying, as I was about to ask her, a bodyguard came and took me home.

As I reached home I did not find dad anywhere but I saw mom coming from the bedroom wearing new clothes looking like nothing happened. She made me sit on the couch with her.

"Mijo, I don't want you tell anyone anything. It's just your dad, he works hard and a lot and is so frustrated sometimes that it gets removed on me but he is not a bad man. He is your father after all Rian. It's nothing. Fights like these takes place in every marriage." My mom said me.

I had nothing but to accept these things and made a mental note to never get married or fall in love. I was 17 and not a fool to not understand anything but chose not to speak about anything.

I snapped out of my thoughts as doctor came and said it would take some more hours to examine the body.

"Take as many hours as you want, just tell me how she killed my mom!" I said with greeted teeth.

"Don't worry Mr. Evans, we will find out soon." The doctor assured me.

I nodded.

Christian came in with the girl behind him. She was shaking and not in a state of standing. I indicated him to make her sit on a chair. I wanted to get my revenge but I was not that merciless to not let her sit down in this condition. I am a gentleman and my mom taught me to be one.

I took a deep breath in waiting for the results to come. 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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