Waves of Misery

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I am dwelling into deep water,
Full of heavy carrier,
From amidst of my suffer,
Persist in being care.

I do not regret what I did,
For I did not do it for fun only,
I’m just delighted when I see their smile,
As the echoes that I did for them to be fine.

Being carefree can put me in danger,
With the Waves of Misery, I feel my destruction,
As my mental triggers, they did not care,
As I distant myself, they think I’m being unfair.

Crying day and night,
Asking myself what I have done,
I just think a peaceful day,
For us to be okay.

Despite of having bad days,
I always feel his presence,
As I bend down my knees, surrendering to him,
I feel the peace I was gasping.

Sometimes, I admit I have sensation of surrendering,
From drowning in my own misery,
Pleading for happiness, as I do not experience it completely,
Yet, he did not disappear, as I know he’s always there with me.

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