『ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡』

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Finally it's timw we take a much lighter turn with the descussion of more well known hybrids.

These are Shifters. Hybrids that can shift from a human form to a wolf form.
In both human and wolf form they have wolf ears, tail and a snout like nose.
They have sharp fang like teeths and sharp nails.

When transforming they grow hair all over their body and their face will mold into a more wolf like face.
Fingers become more claw like and they tend to be more vicious and will run around on all fours.

The transformation back is quite the reversal of the innitial transformation. Fingers and face reform and they shed the new hair.

Apart from the obviously good hearing and smell, theres nothing note worthy about these hybrids that isn't well known.

Fox hybrids also fall under this umbrellaterm.

Hybrids that are half human half horse or H̶a̶l̶f̶a̶s̶s̶ half donkey.
Their ears will depend on that type of half they are. Around the waistline their bodily anatomy transforms to that of a horse/donkeys.
Heres reference of the anatomy for if you're curious:

Heres reference of the anatomy for if you're curious:

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As you can see, pretty simple past the description.

There are some hybrids I didn't meantion that fit in this pattern aswell like Deer hybrids, but the only difference with them is the fact that they have horns.

Hybrids that are part human and part rabbit. These hybrids have an incredible ability to jump and are extremly agile. Contarth to popular beleif their ears do rest where the human ears do, AS DO ALL HYBRIDS. Sorry for the agression, it's just annoying to see so many people portray them with ear on their head with no idea how to implement simple things like headphones and earphones when it's much easier and obvious for their ears to be on the side of their head.
『We're breaking into my pet peevs with this one🤣』
They have also round tail on their backs.

Cat hybrids. Extremely agile hybrids rumoured to have 9 lives. They don't take fall damage and their claws help them climb easily.
They have small ears in the place of human ears and either ling or ahort tails depending on the type of cat they are.

These hybrids, on average, are smaller than humans. With the antenas that poke out of their head, the wings on their back and the ovipositor
『The correct name for the stinger』
These bee hybrids are able to fly around and produce honey.
Rain seemingly weakens them and flying too far away from the hive can also cause them to B̶e̶e̶-̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ become weak or sick.
Hiveborn actually have the same pyramid as actual bee kingdoms and have a queen bee who is different from the others.

More noticably these hybrids have black and yellow faded skin in the armoured pattern.

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