Twenty-Seven || Steam Gorilla

Start from the beginning

"Because we have faith that you two will beat the Tsukasa Empire before they get the chance to come here. Isn't that right?"

Everyone remained silent for a moment whilst they processed what they were saying.

The amount of trust these seniors place in the younger generations should make you proud of yourself.

You used to worry that you wouldn't live up to their expectations if they trusted you this much. But, now? You were full of confidence, knowing you were capable of exceeding their expectations.

"Yeah. Of course we will." Kohaku exclaimed with pride, "We'll fight together. When we come back home, we'll have the Kingdom of Science flag raised high in victory!"

With sincere farewells, The Kingdom of Science finally departed on their journey to the Tsukasa Empire. After a time, everything went on smoothly before the machine encountered a hill and was completely stopped from moving forward.

You knew this would happen, but my goodness, pushing Steam Gorilla was way more exhausting than you thought. Even when everyone worked together, you still struggled.

"Why... is this... SO TIRING?!" You choked on air, a few beads of sweat already streaming from your forehead.

Not only were you pushing, but the wind was constantly blowing your hair into your face which was very annoying.

'Pain. This is PAIN!'

Just as you were about to move a strand of hair away, someone gently slipped it to the back of your ear.

Now all you could think about was the cool fingertips around your hair. Then, once this person had gathered all of the strands of hair in one hand, he tied it flawlessly.

"Feeling better?" He asked as he pushed Steam Gorilla once again.


Damn it.

Even if the two of you are already dating, you could still feel butterflies in your stomach.

Those little gestures he always showed will never stop you from sinking deeper into the abyss of love.

"Much better." You responded with a playful wink, "Thank you."

Before long, Kaseki, Senku, and you were debating what issues were preventing this car from going up this steep hill. Because it was a scientific topic, none of the other villagers even bothered to participate in the discussion.

"The wobbler engine is good. But still, it does need some momentum to keep it sturdy." Kaseki pointed out.

"Yep. We would have had a whole lot more power if we built a double-cylinder engine." Senku spoke between breaths tiredly, "Trying to save time backfired on us."

'Owh shit. More power!' Your mouth dropped open.

At the same time, you noticed Senku's gaze was already looking at you; both were thinking the same thing.

In a matter of moments, you were both already laughing madly along with wearing nasty grins, like evil snakes having malicious intentions.

"That's seriously evil grins, you guys." Kohaku took a step backward, worried.

"Those faces tell Suika they're definitely up to something!" Suika grimaced, as did Magma, Kinro, and Ginro.

Fortunately, a loud roar — reminding them that they need to concentrate — pulled everyone back to reality. Following that, they hurriedly returned their focus to their individual tasks.

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