II. Is he right for me?

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Eun-ji thought that he just went to work. She didn't go to the work because she didn't felt really good. She stayed in the bed all day thinking of Ji-ho. She asked herself questions like "Is he okay ?, Did he have keys from his house now ?"
"Duh, I belive he will come after work." Eun-ji said to herself.
Its been 4 hours Eun-ji waiting for him, when by a chance someone knocked on the door. Eun-ji was so happy. She went to open the door and yes, it was Ji-ho. Not only Eun-ji was worrying about him but also Ji-ho was worrying about her.
"Eun-ji are you okay? You were asleep when i got up to go to work."-Ji-ho asked friendly.
"I am not feeling very good today so i didn't go to work"-Eun-ji answered .

"Eun-ji come with me please, i don't want you to be here alnone you look rally ill." Ji-ho said.

"Thats so kind, but i can't accept that, it's so much." Eun-ji answered sadly.

"Oh, okay then but make sure you will call me when something will be wrong with you, right ?" Ji-ho said.

"Okay (: " Eun-ji answered and smiled at him.

So how the day was going Eun-ji was laying in bed and watching TV, when somehow someone knocked on door again, it was Ji-ho again! He bought food for Eun-ji.

He said: "I got some honey chicken with garlic for you, you have to be hungry after all day."

Eun-ji thankfuly said: "Thats so kind from you! Thank you so much!"

"Ji-ho what about you to stay here and eat the chicken with me?" Eun-ji asked.

"Okay but only for food, then i will go home, because i already slept here yesterday." Ji-ho answered.

They ate chicken when Ji-ho realised "Oh no no no, i just ate garlic, im a vampire, it translates me into a terrifying monster and thus I can hurt her!- Ji-ho said to himself.

"Um, Eun-ji i have to go home ,its relly late i'll be back tomorow. " Said Ji-ho.

"Okay, but just so you know I'm going to work tomorrow." Eun-ji said calmy.

"Alright, I am going to pick you up at 7:30 AM." Ji-ho announced.

When Ji-ho arrived home he went sleep really fast for case that he translates.

Eun-ji finished eating and went sleep. In the morning She got up and got ready for work. Ji-ho picked her up and they went to work. They both had really hard day today, they had to work hard today so they weren't talking so much to each other. Today they went to restaurant for lunch again. They came to restaurant sat down and ordered food. When the food arrived they started eating. Eun-ji's chicken was such a weird today but She didn't care and ate it.

Eun-ji - "Bin what are you doing here?"

Bin- "Eun hi, we haven't seen each other for years, im now working here."

Ji-ho- " Eun- ji, who is that?

Eun-ji- "That's my ex bestfriend Changbin."

Ji-ho- "And why isn't he your bestfriend now too ?"

Eun-ji- "It's such a long story, i will tell you later."

After they ate all food they walked back to work when suddenly Eun-ji fainted. Ji-ho was so scared, he called the ambulance and
they took her to the hospital. Ji-ho went to hospital with her too
he stayed with her all night. Doctors told Ji-ho that She fainted because someone poisoned her and that police is going to look for him because it was really strong poisoning.

 Doctors told Ji-ho that She fainted because someone poisoned her and that police is going to look for him because it was really strong poisoning

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