Mr. Lambert has terrible hearing and I am especially grateful for that because all he heard was Drew laughing and the group going "Ooh". I'm off the hook for today. They earn detention. Mr. Lambert continues his lesson and I am actually really glad I have him as a teacher. He actually teaches and everything is easy to understand. The lesson ends an hour and a half later and Mr. Lambert passes homework out.

"Hey," Jeremy follows me as we exit.

Jeremy shares three classes with me and lunch. He tries to walk me to class everyday but ends up tagging behind me. Art class is most annoying with him. Ms. April, as much as I love her, seems to be shipping students in her class. (If you don't know what shipping means, you are one sad person. Just kidding). She seems to like putting Jeremy in the seat next to mine and assigning projects with the two of us in the same group.

My leg doesn't let me go any faster than a turtle but Jeremy still stays behind me as I walk up the stairs. So many freaking stairs. What are they trying to do, compete with the Burj Khalifa?! The bell has already rung but Jeremy is still behind me. I swing my leg back, hitting him in the knee. He screams in pain. Yeah, I kick like a man.

"Go to class already, you're annoying," I tell him. A girl hurried runs by, taking a long glance that looks sinister at us before running to class. I can feel the chills from her.

"What if I'm trying to skip?" He asks, grinning. He seems perfectly oblivious to the creepy girl but I'm guessing people get used to it when they're all rich and famous.

"Do you want me to kick you again? Go to class. I'll tell your dad," All of the threats I had, I threw them out. He still didn't budge. "Whatever. Just stay there then." I step up with my right leg and lift my left leg up.

"Is your leg really okay? Why didn't you ask for an elevator note?" He asks. Sighing, I turn to him again. "Do your parents even know how bad it is?"

Ignoring his questions once again, since I really didn't tell my parents at all about it, I try to run up the stairs like I did this morning only it doesn't work the same way up as it does down. Pain shot up my leg and I scream as I trip and go tumbling--right into his arms.

Just kidding. That's too cliche for this book. I catch myself by gripping onto the railing. I'm an independent woman, you know?

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, running up to help me.

"I'm fine!" I say and walk until I reach the top and basically run away from Jeremy until I reach the classroom--let's see, eight minutes late? I walk in, ready to explain to Ms. April who would understand, for sure. Jeremy also comes running in.

"Sorry we were late, I was helping my injured friend up the stairs and she ran off without me afterwards," He explains.

"I didn't ask for or need your help," I say for the second time today. Is it just me or does it seem like I'm getting too much unwanted help these days?

"That's okay," Ms. April smiles. "But we are starting our new partner project today and you two are the only ones who haven't picked a partner due to your lateness. So you two are officially partners now."

"Wait, I'm pretty sure many girls here would just love to switch places with me," I say and look back at the classroom. "Right, girls?"

They nod half out of fear and half out of agreement. But Ms. April wasn't cutting me any slack today. I mean, she is shipping us after all and this was the perfect excuse. How wonderful. The mean look she gave them made them stop nodding.

"I think that you two would work together just fine," She nods. "Now go to your new seats by the window and I'll introduce the theme of the project we are going to be doing for the next few months."

The Dimple Project [Camp NaNoWriMo 2015]Where stories live. Discover now