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Thank you for 12.2k views and 496 votes. You guys are the reason I smile when I come on here. That, and very cute fictional characters. Hopefully, this makes you smile on a ruthless Monday morning.

"There's no denying I have feelings for you that can't be explained in any other way. I briefly considered that I had a brain parasite. But that seems even more far-fetched. The only conclusion was love."

-Sheldon, Big Bang Theory


"Okay," I say.

"I'll take you there, then." he offers me a weak smile and gets up, stretching a hand out to help me off the bed.

The trek to his room felt long and tiring. My heart was hammering in my chest. This didn't happen before, but now all of a sudden I'm nervous.

I distract myself by trying to get my pants from touching the ground when I walk. My hospital pajamas were too big for me, I had to borrow them because my parents couldn't drive home to get a spare change of clothes. The ends were getting brown.

By the time we got there, the ends were filthy.

We stand outside his door. I stare at the name slot beside the door intently, my toes curling up in my slippers. Jack was about to open it before I stop him.

"What if this doesn't work?" I ask. "What if he goes into cardiac arrest or something?"

"He'll be fine," Jack answers.

I chew on my bottom lip, hesistant, and I looked up to the window that was covered by the blinds inside. My hair was messed up from lying down too much and I had huge purple rings around my eyes. I looked like an awful mess. Would he scream if he saw this face, if he wakes up?

I shook the thought out of my head. Any reaction from him would be fine. I suck in a deep breath and nod, prompting Jack to open the door.

His mother is sitting by the end and I look to Jack alarmingly but he just cocks his head toward Jeremy and pushes me lightly towards him. His mother looks up from her seat and scoffs at me.

Her venomous stare isn't too effective, but I still catch the chills. "I told you-"

"Meredith, we talked about this," Jack warns. She huffs and storms out of the room. I cast a worried look towards Jack. "She's fine, go ahead." he crosses his arms and waits until I get close to him, probably making sure I wasn't going to back down, before silently slipping out.

I place a hand on the metal bar at Jeremy's bed and sat down.

My breathing is shaky and short. My eyes wander around the room, upwards, to the sides, down to my lap, before finally settling on Jeremy again. I continued chewing on my bottom lip.

He is just like he was when I met him the other day. His room isn't. Now there are several-thousands-of gifts lying around him. Get well cards, teddy bears, chocolate, I want some for myself. I blink and shuffle the chair closer to Jeremy.

"S-So." I clear my throat, since my voice came out dry. "So, um, I think you should wake up now."

I honestly had no idea what I was doing.

The Dimple Project [Camp NaNoWriMo 2015]Where stories live. Discover now