13: The Happiest Day

Start from the beginning

Whatever words Caleb planned to say next quickly die out in the back of his throat, and he lowers his gaze to the ground, utterly defeated.

Yet again, he looks guilty, and yet again, you hate yourself for dragging him into this.

"I guess he's pretty possessive," Kai muses, squeezing your waist. "He gets really pissed off whenever I touch you. Well, I guess no boyfriend would want to watch his girlfriend being all close to another dude."

"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend," you scowl. "It's bad enough you forced us to go along with your antics. We're just friends. At least get that part right."

You don't notice it, since you're too busy recoiling from Kai's touch, but Caleb looks even more upset after you utter those words.

"Wait, seriously? You're not even dating?" Kai glances between the two of you, and after a moment's pause, he grins shamelessly. "That just makes it even better. You're just friends, and he's getting all upset because I barely touched you? I think he might have other intentions."

You bite down on your lip to keep from screaming.

He's getting upset because he's worried about me, because you keep threatening to beat the shit out of both of us!

"Anyways." Kai turns towards the air hockey table. "Let's play that one first. You and me, bro. If you win, maybe you'll get a prize. Who knows."

Caleb mutters something under his breath, most likely about how goddamn insufferable this guy is. Still, he must realize by now that there's no point in trying to argue. Kai will just take whatever he wants by force.

They load coins into the machine and dispense the first puck, then take up their positions on opposite sides of the table. There's nothing for you to do besides stand around awkwardly and watch. At least Kai can't touch you anymore while he's playing, so there's that. Also, Caleb is really good at games. There's a good chance he'll end up winning, and you pray you get to see Kai suffer a pathetic defeat.

But of course, nothing ever goes the way you want it to.

Even though Caleb is a master when it comes to most games, playing air hockey against a vampire is basically rigged. Kai can hit the pucks with such overwhelming speed and force that you're surprised they haven't completely shattered yet. It's a game that favors those with excellent reflexes, and good arm strength. It doesn't matter if Caleb is much better than the average person.

Kai utterly destroys him.

"Haha! I win, bitch!"

To no one's surprise, the bastard is a sore winner. He cheers loudly and obnoxiously, occasionally drawing the attention of some of the other customers. The ones that recognize who Kai is immediately look away, though.

Caleb blinks robotically. "Yeah," he mutters. "Well played."

Your heart aches for him. It's bad enough that he's being threatened to spend his time with some absolute asshole, but he has the memory of being brutally attacked still fresh in his mind. And on top of that, he's clearly worried about you, too. God. Whenever you're involved... the people around you always end up suffering, one way or another. Your only two friends have both had to endure horrible situations because of you, and it feels like absolute shit.

Kai leans over your shoulder and grins. "What about you, [Name]? Do you feel like giving it a try?"

"I'll lose," you state flatly.

"Well, how about I go easy on you? I have to at least give you a chance, after all."

You purse your lips, then think back to all the games you played against Caleb. He never went easy on you, and even though losing so many times got pretty frustrating after a while, it might have been even more frustrating if you knew he was letting you win.

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