Chapter 4: Ingen Strikes

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Y/n pov

I was laying down with rexy, it was almost dinner time so I said "hey wanna go see some stars?" I asked as she smiled and said "yes I would love to" I got up with her as we walked outside and headed towards our star seeing spot, once we got there we sat down as we watched the stars glimmer, "wow it's so beautiful!" "yeah...yeah it is" I said as we watched the stars....but then there was a rumble, we both got up quickly as rexy said "w-what was that?!" "I don't know but..whatever it was it isn't good" I said as we nodded and headed towards the sound, while we were walking we saw dinosaurs fleeing from something and then we felt the temperature start to heat up, I started smelling smoke so fearing the worst I said "rexy! I smell smoke there might be a fire!" I said as I started running, she soon caught up to me as she said "if this is indeed a fire than we have a big problem on our hands!" I nodded as we started to see embers and then a glow, we eventually made it to a field and what we saw..horrified us...

There was a massive fire! The likes of which I had never seen before! We were in shock

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

There was a massive fire! The likes of which I had never seen before! We were in shock..."Y-Y/n what do we do?! This fire is out of control!" "I know I know! W-we need water! We need to do everything we can to stop this fire-" before I could finish my sentence we heard a whooshing sound and then an explosion accured right next to us! We fell down....i raised my head up and looked behind us only to see another fire! "w-what?!" I got up and saw that we were surrounded by flames, thoughts were rushing through my head but before I could think another thought came to my mind 'rexy!' I quickly turned around and saw that she had fallen down, I quickly went up to her and nudged her, she opened her eyes in panic and said "w-what happened?!" "i-I don't know! One minute the fire was infront of us then another minute a fire appeared behind us!" I helped her up as I said "we need to find a way out of this fire or we'll be cooked!" "yeah but look around we're trapped!!" "not completely" I pointed to a small opening in the fire, she nodded and we were about to head towards the opening when a voice came to us "don't even think about it!" we stopped in our tracks and looked into the fire infront of us and soon we saw something we will never forget...

i raised my head up and looked behind us only to see another fire! "w-what?!" I got up and saw that we were surrounded by flames, thoughts were rushing through my head but before I could think another thought came to my mind 'rexy!' I quickly turn...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

It was a fleet of helicopters! And they had their weapons aimed at us! I growled, but then the voice came again "you really should've just stayed with us" and then appeared a massive gun ship that looks nothing like modern society engineering!

It was a fleet of helicopters! And they had their weapons aimed at us! I growled, but then the voice came again "you really should've just stayed with us" and then appeared a massive gun ship that looks nothing like modern society engineering!

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I growled in anger as a voice spoke "you really thought we were defeated? You have no idea how long weve been preparing for this destroy your home! And kill you both! And after we are done this island will belong to us and we will use it to our full power! TAKE EM OUT!" and with those last 3 words we knew what was gonna happen and in the blink of an eye all the rockets were fired at us by the helicopters, I quickly held onto rexy and made a barrier protecting us from the the rockets collided it drained my energy bit by bit........they weren't stopping...was this really the end?....were we gonna die here? No...I didn't want to believe it! I used all of my energy to make a forcefield that held off every bullet and every rocket that they sent at us, once it was over the shield turned into a shockwave that sent some of the helicopters down to the ground. I fell on the ground tired out....."Y/n cmon you gotta get up! We gotta move! Cmon Y/n! we need to go!" I heard rexy yell in panic but then a voice came from the giant airship...i couldnt quite make it out...after i heard the voice the entire fleet left the island, I started to lose consciousness as I closed my eyes and passed out....

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 20 ⏰

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