Chapter 5

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Y/N's POV: Today I had a shift at late noon, and Danno and Riggy was there like usual. Riggy seemed pretty angry and embarrassed while Danno looked amused and was slightly giggling.

Y/N: "Uhh... what's up with Riggy, Danno..?"


Danno: "Well, thats what karma does to you bud~!" He said while holding a container of powdered laxatives.

Riggy: "MOTHERFU-" Danno grabbed him by the neck. Riggy was still acting like a douchebag despite that.

Anyway, work was going well and normal. I was standing next to Riggy behind the counter and Danno was at a different one. Until, a squirrel with a yellow cardigan with acorns on it placed her bag down. But first, the squirrel girl asked Riggy something:

Mocha: "Hey, does this tape and rope work..?"

Riggy: "Uhh... Oh yeah! Of course it does~! I'll show you~!"

Then, Riggy got a chair out of nowhere, and insisted me to sit down. So I did, while being confused. Then, he started to tie the rope around my waist. I was super confused and kinda paranoid. Is this dude trying to kidnap me..?

Then, Riggy placed the tape over my mouth. I was super scared for a moment.

Riggy: "Y/N, try to escape."

I tried to escape but I just ended up making the chair fall over to the backside. At this point I was just annoyed.

Riggy picked up the chair and placed it back in its spot.

Riggy: "Tada! Well, looks like it works perfectly fine! Perfect for holding people hostage! Good luck on your crime~!"

Mocha: "That's... not what I'm getting those for... I'm making a treehouse... and plus those were the last ones in stock... thanks a lot bitch..."

The squirrel girl left without paying, and with a very annoyed look on her face. Oh well.

But then, I started to feel strange...

I was tied up, but I felt my face getting progressively warmer and warmer. What was going on..? I kinda liked the feeling of being trapped in this chair... "oh god, AM I INTO THIS!?!" I thought to myself. 

I was getting so red and flustered, that even Riggy was confused.

Riggy: "Uhh... are you alright-"

Y/N: "MMM! Mm, mm, MM MM! (Yes, I'm uh, alright!)" My words were muffled, so he didn't hear me.

Then, Danno came by. He was also confused.

Danno: "Riggy, why is Y/N tied up? You're gonna get us fired!"

Riggy: "Uhhh... that wasn't my doing... hehe."

Danno: *sigh*... "Well Y/N, let's get you untied, okay? :]"

I looked up at Danno and I became even redder and flustered then ever before. He seemed so... caring to me. Maybe I was reacting like that to Danno since I'm already in a flustered state.

Anyway, he got me untied, and I explained why I was tied up in the first place.

I told Riggy and Danno I'm gonna head off to the bathroom for a moment. When I made it to a stall, I just sat there, trying to process what the hell happened.

"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell, WHAT THE HELL Y/N!?!" I whispered to myself. I was so shocked and disgusted at myself about everything that just happened. 

Anyway, I cooled down after a little bit and went back to work. I saw my manager scolding at Riggy, and I kinda stood there, since adding on to it would not help anything.

I went to Danno again and I felt flustered, the same way when I saw him while he was untying me.

Right before my shift ended, Danno said goodbye, this time, touching my shoulder playfully. I got flustered again, so I forgot to say anything.

He was all I can think about that night. All because of the stupid ass tape and rope... Thanks a lot Riggy...


Author's note. The "Mocha" character is Hi.iExsit Mocha. Just wanted to get that out there lol. I don't own her. :3

Shopping For Love: Danno x Y/N Fanfic 💙💜💌Where stories live. Discover now