Chapter 2

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Danno's POV: I drove back to my house with the energy drinks in the plastic bag. And of course, Riggy was acting like a spoiled brat because I didn't get him anything, even though I knew damn well he always brings money whenever he goes, even in places where spending isn't really in the picture...

Anyway, I got home, got the drinks, and plopped down at my desk, ready to work on another short after 2 days of not working on one.

Danno: "*sigh*... ready to work on another short Riggy..."

Riggy: "Pfftt! Why are you acting so mopey anyway? Just let go of Layah already. She wasn't really worth it anyway!"

Danno: "*sigh*, You don't understand Riggy. I thought she was the one, and now she hates me all because she thought I was cheating on her during my road trip with my friends... even though I wasn't... I'm really not in the mood for your snarky comments right now Riggy..."

Riggy: "Ugh, fine... wait a minute, I think I have an idea!"

Danno: "I swear to god, this better be good..."

Riggy: "Well, you seem pretty lonely, and no one but me lives at your house. And I'm kinda just a parasite to you at this point... maybe you should take a break from YouTube for a good while and maybe start working at Toonville Supermarket so at least your day wouldn't be too lonely for half of the day!

Danno: "Huh... that's... actually a great idea! You know what, forget the other short idea, I'll just make an announcement short for my break. Ready to make it..?"

Riggy: "Yep!" *giggles*

Danno: "Uhh... What's so funny Riggy..?"

Riggy: "Oh! Uh... nothing!"

I recorded all the audio and did the editing, and yada yada yada. The short was basically me saying I'm taking a long break because of mental health reasons.

A lot of the comments wished me a good break, some were sad, and there was Datchia. Who made a short shortly after thinking this was some hidden Toon Turf lore or whatever. But, thats kinda their thing, so why am I surprised?

Then, I went to sleep at around 2:33 AM.

Shopping For Love: Danno x Y/N Fanfic 💙💜💌Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant