How can Tess have a much better phone than me?

Oh, right, I forgot to tell you what I look like. I have black hair. The nicest combed in the world. I'm Asian. I have a four-point-three inch nose. I have bright yellow eyes. I wear glasses. The glasses are black. The lenses are shaped like squares. I'm wearing a light blue solid color shirt. The shirt is short sleeved. Over the shirt, I'm wearing a dark blue polo shirt. The shirt has two purple stripes on it. There is also a pocket on the left side of the polo shirt. There are two white buttons on the polo shirt. I only have one button. On my right wrist, I'm wearing a watch. It's one of those old fashioned ones with the clock arms. On my left wrist, I'm wearing a watch. It's a digital one. What, it's not my fault I love time. Time is very important, one day, you'll see. I'm wearing gray pants and in one of the front pockets, my phone is in one of them. I'm wearing purple socks. I'm wearing dark blue sneakers and the dark blue sneakers have bright purple shoelaces on them.

In case, I haven't made it clear, my two favorite colors are blue and purple. Especially dark blue and bright purple.

Today is March first. It's a Monday night. It's seven-twelve . The year is two thousand and twenty four. Me and my family live in Medford Texas. It's a great place to live in. Most kids probably would say that about the place that they live in.

Speaking of seven-twelve, I am twelve. My birthday was in January. January third. This is my last year of being a kid. During my whole childhood, I tried to make the most of it. But my friend Sheena Zawonder just wants to collect phone books from different countries and states and cities. That's what we have been doing ever since we wore diapers when we were toddlers. Sheena is also twelve just like me. Most of my childhood has been sad so far because all I do with Sheena is collect phone books. We didn't even prank call the numbers we see in the phone book. Sheena doesn't like prank calling. If I can restart my life and did things different, I would.

For starters, I wouldn't become friends with Sheena. And make sure Tess isn't born. I miss being the only child. Tess always gets me in trouble. Even for the littlest things. Like how she got me in trouble for watching My Big Poodle. I was channel surfing.

My Big Poodle is a show that takes place in a kingdom called Toothville. There are four types of poodles in the show. Ghost poodles, zombie poodles, skinless poodles, headless poodles. The main character is named Wine Sparkle. Wine Sparkle is an alien poodle in the show. The other poodles in the show had a war with the aliens and banished them away from a different planet. The planet was Mars. Wine Sparkle was sent here to Toothville as a punishment for accidentally giving the alien poodle mayor some barbecue food she baked. Wine Sparkle didn't know the mayor was deadly allergic to barbecue food. Her punishment was she was forced to live in Toothville forever. The mayor grabs this light blue box with this white goop and when the mayor pours all of this stuff on Wine Sparkle, she transforms into a ghost poodle. After that the mayor has this magic necklace which he throws at Wine Sparkle. The magic necklace teleports Wine Sparkle to Toothville which she is forced to live there throughout all eternity.

I check my watches to see what time it is, since the last time I checked the time was on my phone. It's seven- twenty. The basketball game is going to end in twenty minutes. My phone has a low battery. My phone is on five percent. Dammit, I should have charged my damn phone before I had to go to the basketball game.

I decided to leave the stall. I'm still in the bathroom but I'm walking just back and forth. Every few seconds, I will groan. This is not the first time this has happened. I always do this every time Tess has a basketball game.

I hear loud thunder and rain. It's raining. I stop walking back and forth and walk slowly to the bathroom window which shows outside. It was raining cats and dogs. Every inch from outside was wet. Wet to the brim. Let's just hope when the twenty minutes are up, the rain would stop.

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