6. First class and a shared secret

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 Is the pacing to slow? It feels slow, it'll speed up hopefully between this chapter and the next

Monday morning brought classes. Lucia lead Hazel and Estelle through the halls to their first class, quickly realizing neither of the other girls had any idea where they were going.

  They had received their schedule the morning before which Lucia had quickly started to memorize, Estelle had pocketed without looking at and Hazel had promptly lost.

  Lucia had become used to her friends antics but it was stating to get on her nerves. She knew she wasn't actually annoyed, she just didn't feel good which had caused her to snap.

  "Shut up and pay attention! Why can't you guys take anything seriously?! You need to know this, if you can't get to your class on your own you'll get us all kicked out again! Hazel you need to learn how to keep track of your crap, you didn't even have the dam schedule for two minutes before losing it. Estelle you need to actually look at you, you guys are so dam bright but I'm the only one who bothered to turn on the light." She ranted. 

  Estelle fell quiet, knowing her friends temper was getting shorter and she should have looked at the schedule.

  Hazel looked as if she was about to cry. "Sorry Lu." She whispered, knowing her friend didn't mean to scold her but still feeling hurt from it. Hazel often lost stuff easily and always needed help finding it again.

  Lucia lead the two into the transfiguration class room and opted of a seat in the back. Estelle dropped down beside her and Hazel sat infront of them as the desks where in pairs.

  Beside where Hazel sat was Neville. Hazel didn't really talk to him the first night they were there but knew him well enough to say hello as others slowly came in. "Hullo, Neville."

  He smiled shyly. "Hello... Hazel, right?" He couldn't quite remember her name. "I'm sorry, I'm terrible at remembering."

  Hazel nodded, "Yeah that's right."

  Estelle sat behind her friend, dying of how boring Hazel's conversation was.

  "This is like the time she tried to talk to Krum almost." Lucia said.

  "Hello, Viktor." Estelle said in a high pitched voice, reenacting the conversation.

  "Hello, uh- how do you know my name?" Lucia said deeply, acting partly stupid, trying to pull off the angry expression of Krum.

  "Well everyone one knows your name, you're kinda famous." Estelle said.

  Then the duo did their best to try and stare awkwardly at each other but did not come up successfully.

  "It was so painfully boring." Lucia shook her head looking down.

  McGonagall entered the room, the nearly full classroom fell silent. As Estelle began to zone out she noticed an empty chair across the aisle, next to a blue robed student.

  Lucia sat straight and took notes as Estelle sat with her chin in her palm.

  Hazel sat, legs curled around the chair listening. She had found Neville to be quite interesting something drew her to him, she wasn't quite sure what though.

  Suddenly the door burst open and a soaked Talia Rain walked in. Her shoes squeaked and squished as she walked towards the Gryffindor side of the room. Noticing there was no seats left she grabbed the chair from beside the highstrung Ravenclaw boy and drug it across the aisle finally sitting down at the end of Estelle and Lucia's desk.

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