5. Know it all guide

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  Lucia had realized that last night she had failed to look up. All three of them did. Something as simple as looking up was magic filled in this new life. The ceiling above them was not just a ceiling. Not even just a pretty ceiling, it reflected the sky outside.

  The trio sat, gawking up at the ceiling, taking in the magic and brightness of Hogwarts. The sky was a deep blue with fluffy white clouds.

  Hazel's mouth dropped open when the owls flew in through the ceiling, nothing like this occured at Durmstrang.

  Estelle stated up as did Lucia. That was until a sticky white substance fell onto Estelle's face.

  Lucia laughed loudly at her friends misfortune. A friend would offer to help Estelle however Hazel and Lucia were her best friends so as Lucia cackled and Hazel cracked up quietly Estelle grabbed napkins to clean her face.

  "Miss. Lewis, you'll have to go get clean up before your tour." A Scottish accent said from behind the group. "You may put on casual clothing, weekends do not require your uniforms, that goes for you two as well Miss. Reed and Miss. Potter."

  The girls nodded at McGonagall, once again shocked by Hogwarts, used to having to live in their uniforms at Durmstrang.

  "Professor?" Lucia asked just as the woman was starting to turn away.

  "Yes, Miss. Reed?" McGonagall faced them.

  "Our tour, how will it be done?" Lucia asked.

  "Oh yes, dear me, I almost forgot, Miss. Hermione Granger has agreed to give you a tour, I requested her to take as she has taken every class and knows the castle quite well." McGonagall faintly, obviously proud of Hermione Granger.

  Hermione looked around when she heard her name and was a bit pink after hearing how McGonagall spoke of her. "Thank you Professor McGonagall." She said quiet as the woman turned to left.

  Then a grin crossed Estelle's face as a perhaps very bad idea came to her mind. She quickly yelled out to the leaving Professor "THANKS MINNIE!"

  Professor McGonagall stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at Estelle before continuing. She shook her head, Estelle seemed so familiar.

  Lucia dropped her head into her hands in embarrassment and due to the fact that she had a large headache.

  Hazel and Estelle high-fived, Hazel proud of the bravery in her best friend.

   Hazel used to be extremely brave however she had realized it was much safer to cover it, still brave but unsure how to proceed is how she lived.

  "Come on, I want to go change!" Estelle pulled up her friends before pulling at the tie.

  Lucia rolled her eyes but followed, missing her knitted sweaters and dress pants. She dressed very professionally and often got comments made on how she dressed. But the people who pointed and laughed had yet to realize just how comfortable the right dress pants and the right sweater were. According to Lucia it was like pajamas with large pockets.

  When they arrived at their dorm Estelle quickly ran to the bathroom to clean up the bird poop on her face. Hazel pulled off her uniform quickly and threw on jeans, a brown tee-shirt and a flannel shirt.

  Lucia looked around and made sure the door was closed and it was just them in the room before changing into her dress pants and grandpa sweater.

  Estelle came out of the bathroom with wet hair after she realized she hadn't brought any clothes into the bathroom and quickly threw on ripped black jeans, a queen shirt and her leather jacket before looking in the mirror.

  Estelle pulled a black smurfs shirt out of her trunk, all balled up and ran to the bathroom.

  After five minutes Hazel pulled out cards and set up solitaire on her bed and Lucia pulled out Lord of the Flies to read.

  After another five minutes Talia joined them as well as Hermione, ready to start the tour of Hogwarts, book tucked under her arm with a stack of note cards.

  Hermione waited impatiently, sitting down on Talia's bed while Lucia finished Lord of the Flies, switching to  Anne of Green Gables and Hazel focused of solitaire, both used to their friends antics.

  Finally Estelle stepped out of the bathroom. Her hair had been a decent bit below her shoulders where as now it was slightly above her shoulders. She also had not had bangs previously which she decided to re-add. At this point she was practically a professional at cutting her own hair.

  Hermione stared horrified at the sudden change in the girl appearance while Lucia looked up with a soft smile and gave a thumbs up.

  "Nice, really badass." Hazel said as she caught the pillow thrown by Lucia.
  "Damn you and your fast reflexes." Lucia muttered. Hazel's eyebrows rose but she did not question her soon to be temperamental friend.

  Hermione tried to cover up her shock by then offering the tour which they agreed to start.

  "Why is this place so fricken big?!" Hazel complained reaching the top of yet another staircase. "Half the stairs aren't even real! And what do you mean make sure I'm in my dorm by curfew?! What if I'm almost there then the stairs move?!"

  Hermione opened her mouth to answer but before she could a voice from behind the group said "We tend to be very understanding in that situation, a great many of times I have been on my way to bed when a the stairs have moved." The sandy haired man laughed lightly while he observed the group.

  "Hello Professor Lupin." Hermione greated the older man.

  "He looks like he's so old he's going to disintegrate." Hazel whispered to Estelle. They both broke out laughing but tried to switch it to a cough wanting to avoid trouble so they could get to lunch as they had spent the last four hours touring the neverending castle and enduring Hermione Granger's many boring facts about random portraits and dead people.

"I may look old but I assure you I am not nearly as old as I look. I can hear quite well too." Lupin stated with a small smile on his face, finding the two girls reactions funny.

  Lucia decided they were going to be there a while so she took the opportunity to look down from the top of the stairs at the floors below. It was a long way down.

  Hermione looked at Hazel horrified. "You can't just-" Estelle quickly cut her off, sick of the boring facts and rules.

  "Granger, I swear just let us learn the rules as we break them, it's not that deep. He doesn't even care, he's laughing. People always know they look old, especially men and men can admit it and move on. I wouldn't dare call Minnie old."

  "You can't have a nickna-" Hermione started scolding again.

  "Sure I can, she didn't stop me. Now Professor Lupin, thank you for the fun fact, can we continue the tour, we've been walking around for four hours and lunch starts soon and I am hungry so let's finish this up." Estelle stated, done with the fun facts and rules.

  The rest of the tour moved quickly with Professor Lupin trailing behind trying to figure out where he knew the two girls from.

Do you know my characters or do I need to make it more clear?
~April 19, 2024~

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