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Once upon a time Far Far away in a mystical forest. There was a kingdom. The kingdom was known to be one of the strongest of many kingdoms. The kingdom was protected by dragons and its knights rode winged unicorns. The kingdom was filled with mystic and magic. The kingdom was called the magic kingdom.

The kingdom has been ruled by a couple. A king and queen. Who had 4 children.

The king. Gold wand. Was cold uncaring and sinister. Not caring if his subjects are harmed. All he cared for was power

The queen. Rainbow wand. A beautiful and kind Lady with a heart of diamond.

And their children. The elementals

Fire wand. The prince of flames

Storm wand. The prince of wind and storms

Water wand. The princess of Oceans and rivers

And Nature wand. Princess of all the flora and phauna. Twin sister of water wand

The kingdom was peaceful and loved. The royalties like any other. Possessed great power and something only they could have. A pair of wings that show their magic.
One day the queen had found out she was pregnant. After months of waiting she was diagnosed with Two beautiful girls. Everyone was preparing for the arrival of the new royalties. The king somewhat forcing a smile cuz of the fact he may have new heirs to the throne.

After months and months of waiting the queen finally had given birth to two beautiful babies. One with purplish color. And a stardust gleam in her eyes crying in the crib. And the other in black and white. Calmly asleep next to her sister. The twins had beautiful purple wings. The queen had already decided their names

With a fierce soul. The purple girl had been named Phantom wand

And with a kind heart. The black and white girl had been named.....
Printer : MAGIC WAND!!!

Magic wand : gah!! Snaps back to reality

Printer : you good there dude? You were sitting here staring at this spell book the entire lunch.

Perfume : yeah. It does terrible things to your face

Magic wand : im fine you idiots. Now cmon closes the book and goes with the two out of the cafeteria

BK : damn whats his deal??

Gold ingot : even me and CB didnt see him like that ever! And we used to be his friends

Airy : looking at Magic wand

BK : airy? You good there??

Airy : yeah.....

magic wand : walking away with perfume and printer

Airy : -you cant hide it forever magic wand....i know who you really are....-

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