Donald Trump comes to the rescue

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Mr. Beast pov

It was a normal day yk cuz I was tryna get my friends to bury me in a hole for a week with nothing but a slice of bread I'm surprised they wouldn't do it but anyways I decided to do it myself and I felt my breath slipping away and my bread was swirling around in circles in my head and I was scared but then I saw a Oompa Loompa lookin thing trying to grab me and I just grabbed his feminine hand or masculine what the heck even is the difference but yeah and he saved me life and I decided if my friends say no I MAYBE Will listen to them but anyways for saving my life I gave him a million dollars and my phone number and he thanked me

Donald Trump Pov 

I was surprised by the money and his number but like I was glad about it cause it haven't been in  a relationship since my fling with Joe Biden and now we are forced to be mortal enemies to the public to hide our fling we had at one time but I smiled at mr beast and we minded our own business till we called later

Bro it took me so long to make this cause I was listening to beautiful by Eminem and it's one of those songs that when your listening to it you gotta be real honed in ya know 

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