𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲. - 𝒾'𝓂 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊

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i adjust my dress over my legs. the stupid thing keeps riding up with every step i take and i haven't even entered the building yet. it's way too short for this occasion, but matt wanted me to wear it. i hold my dress down on my butt as i step up the stairs. it's weird to me that i'm even invited to this, and it's worse that i'm late.

"emerson!" i hear from behind me. i turn around to see ryder, who was originally looking at my ass, look at my face. "how are you?"

"great until now," i scoff. ryder has fucked me over too many times for me to be nice to him.

"listen, emerson, i know we had a bad start... ya know, with matt wanting you away from me and whatever, but matt and i have cleared the air now and i forgive him. i wanted to apologize to you for imposing and i was hoping we could start over." he explains.

"sure," i shrug. i could care less, honestly.

"cool," he sighs lightly and runs ahead of me to hold open the door as i step in the room. i thank him for holding the door and he walks in behind me. to be honest, he looks pretty good in a suit. as i walk inside, i see that the room is already crowded and i know matt will be mad at me for being late.

i don't want to be at this work dinner.

"hey," matt grabs my forearm and pulls me off to the side where he came from. "where were you?" he asks with a concerned look once we're somewhere private.

"i'm sorry, i just can't right now." i say as i walk away from him. he grabs my wrist and brings me back to him.

"can't what? what's going on?" he asks.

"matt, just because i'm a little bit late to something doesn't mean something is always going on!" i raise my voice. his face softens a little. "i mean, damn... every time there's a minor inconvenience in the way i operate you go into panic mode and won't leave me the fuck alone until you find out! do you ever give someone space?" i ask. he stays quiet and bites the inside of his cheek with a pissed off expression. i roll my eyes and turn away from him. i can't do this today.

𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯
i don't know what the fuck emerson's problem is, but she just pissed me off. we were behind a wall, but she still yelled at me which is embarrassing for me if anybody saw.

i wanted to tell her how good she looks in that dress she let me pick out, but i didn't even get the chance to since she blew up on me. i know something is wrong, but maybe i shouldn't have started the conversation like that.

she was not a "little bit late" like she said. she was very late. so late that she missed the speech bryan made at the beginning of a dinner. i rented a hall for this important announcement for emerson. she has no idea it's for her, and now i'm nervous to even do this since she's in such a bad mood. 

i recently discovered there's a position available one step above being my assistant. the salary is better and the job itself is less stressful. i figured she would finally be able to move out of that apartment and get a nice house for herself. maybe she could plan a vacation or something.

today was meant to be a surprise to announce the position to her, although i unfortunately cannot give it to her yet. when my grandpa made this company, he made it so that you have to take a huge test in order to move up, so that's what emmy will have to do. she's smart, so i know she can do it.

i can't get my mind off how she just acted though. i'm zoned out while half-listening to scarlett talk. i mean just the other night she was straddled over me and we were making out, now i'm being treated like... like ryder. what the fuck?

i excuse myself from the conversation with scarlett and walk up to bryan. 

"hey man, i think we should just make this a casual work dinner... emerson is in a really bad... state- uh, right now and i don't think she wants this." i say, struggling to look him in the eye. when i finally do, i regret it. his eyebrows are furrowed and he looks like he's about to yell.

"she's pissing me off. first, she's late, now she doesn't want this position?" he scoffs.

"no no, i think she still wants the position but i just think it shouldn't be a big event revolving around her like this, you know?" i say, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"matt, you asked me to help you do this for her, did you guys break up or something?" he rolls his eyes.

"i did want you to do this- but now isn't a good time, trust me. and did you say break up?" i joke at the last part. bryan laughs a little.

"you've wanted her for so long now, matt. literally right after the interview you said she was really hot-"

"i said she was really beautiful," i interrupt and correct him.

"okay so when will you make it official?" he asks. "have you tapped yet?" he whispers.

"shut up." i deadpan. "i'll make it official one day but lately-"

"i said have you tapped yet," bryan sighs. based on the way his facial expression changes, he knows the answer. "mattttttt, come on man." he sighs.

"what?" i giggle. 

"you haven't even done it yet and you're this in love?" he raises an eyebrow and laughs.

"not everything is about that for me," i shrug. "i love her personality-"

"blah blah blah, tell her that not me." bryan says with a grossed-out face. "also, that's so hypocritical coming from the person who said scarlett was hot and made out with her. just wait until emerson finds out-"

"no bryan, she won't fucking find out and you're not gonna tell her." i interrupt. "and keep your fucking voice down, people will hear." i say.

"matt, are you dumb? everyone in the building knows except emerson as far as we know. she might know as we speak, you better hope you know who doesn't open her mouth." bryan says as he presses his lips together.

i take no time to walk away from bryan. i'm speed walking around this hall to find scarlett. i grab her arm and pull her behind the wall where i just was with emerson. where no one can see us.

"ooh, where are we going, matt?" she asks in her flirty voice.

"to talk." i deadpan.


"the kiss." i say as i turn around and look down at her. "please, scarlett... i'm begging you to not tell emerson that we kissed." i say fast.

"kiss? matt, we were making out. we were so close to having-"

"stop. i know. please don't tell her that happened, she'll be broken and i don't want to do that to her." i explain. "i'll do anything for you to not tell her."

"well... i have a few things you could do." she smirks.


𝕓𝕠𝕤𝕤 - 𝓂𝒶𝓉𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑜Where stories live. Discover now