Coming Clean

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The car pulled up to the driveway and in typical Jeongin fashion, the door to the house flew open and he stormed outside.

Felix giggled seeing Jeongin's exasperated expression as he walked up to the window and planed his face on it looking in. Hyunjin smirked and rolled down the window, dragging Jeongin's face as he leaned against it.

When he removed his face he leaned in and wrapped himself around Felix. "You're back! I missed you!" Felix giggled and leaned into the hug.

"Aww I missed you too Innie" Hyunjin teased. Jeongin just looked at him with a frown but smiled again when Felix laughed.

"You looked so good! You have to show me what you got!" Jeongin beamed excitedly. Felix looked at him confused and Hyunjin cleared his throat. "I'm gonna head inside and paint, you guys have fun with that." He stepped out without a response and walked toward the house.

"He sent me the picture of one of your outfits. The one with the white blazer." Jeongin smirked slightly and Felix blushed. "He did?"

"Mhmm." Jeongin teased and chuckled lightly. "Hey Lixie..?" He asked with his lips pursed.

"Yeah?" Felix looked at him with doe eyes, a smile still present on his face as usual.

"The hypothetical kiss.... it was Hyunjin wasn't it?" Jeongin's expression was downturned and Felix immediately froze.

"... I'm sorry Innie. Please don't be mad! I promise -"

"I'm not mad Lixie." Jeongin smiled at him softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Felix looked at him with guilt in his eyes. "I mean, he's your brother and I thought you would be mad that it was with him of all people. I swear I didn't mean for it to happen... technically I didn't even kiss him." Felix mumbled the last part but turned back to Jeongin washed with guilt.

"I'm not mad. I mean it's a little weird that it's my brother. Tell me what happened!! You said it was the best kiss of your life?" Jeongin gleamed. "Actually... tell me but don't say his name, that might be weird..."

Felix giggled and relief washed over him. "OK fine, but Innie?" Felix's playful expression turned serious. "I need you to promise me that you will not tell him that I told you. And that you won't punch him. Deal?" Felix held up his pinky and Jeongin smiled at first, however his smile dropped and he raised his brow.

"Wait... why would I punch him..?" He asked suspiciously. Felix pursed his lips thoughtfully, was it really a good idea to talk to Jeongin about this? They were best friends... but Hyunjin's his brother. He sighed.

"Just promise me." Felix gestures toward his pinky. Jeongin rolled his eyes and locked their pinkies, giving it a small shake before letting go and excitedly leaning on the car window.

"He got upset because he heard us talking about my date with Chan. He said that I shouldn't force myself to settle and I got mad because I was tired of always looking for some fantasy relationship." Felix sighed. Jeongin pouted but nodded for Felix to continue.

"I told him that I wanted to try with Chan because he was a nice guy who knew what he wanted and had been good to me. He got pissed off because I said that it was surprising how someone could be interested in me and when I was stubborn he kissed me." Jeongin looked at him unamused.

"OK, maybe kissing you wasn't the right way to handle it but I can understand why he got mad" Jeongin laughed. "You tend to be very oblivious to your charms."

Felix glared at him and rolled his eyes. "Anyways... he apologized right after. He said that I deserve someone who gives me a fantasy romance and fireworks. I was still mad so I asked him if the kiss meant he was going to give me that. He couldn't answer..... so I told him 'that's what I thought' and slammed the door." Felix chuckled lightly at the last part.

My Best Friend's BrotherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang