Little Soldier

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Jeongin finally caught up to Felix and pinned him down on the pile of pillows and blankets, Felix tried to wriggle out but it was no use, he was smaller than Jeongin and decided to admit defeat.

Jeongin took the phone from Felix and opened it up, scrolling through his camera roll and swiftly deleting the picture.

"Why were you guys all mushy anyways, I thought you didn't like eachother." Felix giggled.

"I don't hate Hyunjin, he is just the brother I never asked for and an idiot half the time. But when our parents got married he was there for me, in his own backwards way. Besides, like I told you he has his moments, and more of them recently." Jeongin smiled a little and Felix cooed.

"Aww Innie! you love him~" Felix teased.

Jeongin playfully gagged and pushed Felix back into the blanket mountain. The phone that Jeongin still had in his possession buzzed.

I'm sorry for how I acted.
Can you forgive me?

Jeongin pursed his lips and handed the phone to Felix, frowning. Felix looked at the message and sighed. He locked his phone and set it back down.

"What are you gonna do..?" Jeongin hesitantly asked, flopping himself down next to Felix, grabbing the panda plushie and holding it, making it do a little dance.

Felix smiled and snorted. "Ugh I don't know. I didn't like seeing him like that. He was so sweet though, nice guys aren't perfect right?" Felix shrugged, taking the panda from Jeongin and clapping it's paws together.

"Sure, but.... are YOU ok with that imperfection? Did you feel more today before the fight?" Jeongin turned on his side, facing Felix with his head rested on the palm of his hand.

Felix turned to the side too and sighed. "I mean, sort of. He is, was, always super nice, but the possessive side was overwhelming.. it wasn't comfortable Innie. And I can NEVER imagine cutting any amount of time with you, if thats the ultimatum like it seemed to be, I pick YOU." Felix pinched Jeongin's cheek playfully, who just groaned back sarcastically and swatted Felix's hand away. He picked up the phone that had been dropped in between them and unlocked it. Laying back on his back and pulling Felix into his chest.

He closed out of the chat. "We don't have to worry about that tonight." He opened up the camera app and snapped a picture of them. "Best friends forever. I love you Lixie." Jeongin smiled and kissed Felix on the top of the head.

Felix held out his hand and signaled to the phone, which Jeongin placed in his hand with a questioning look.

Felix changed his background to the picture they just took and bit his lip, opening up the chat he had with Chan.

I forgive you.
But I think we should meet up.
Can you meet me tomorrow morning?

Jeongin looked at Felix, his brows furrowed. "Are you going to give him another chance...?" He asked hesitantly.

Felix smiled softly and turned to look at Jeongin. "I'm going to tell him I want to be friends. It just doesn't feel right.. and I have some things to work out myself." Jeongin sighed a breath of relief and pulled Felix into a tight hug, squishing him in the process. The phone now pressed between them buzzed, causing them both to laugh at the tickling vibration.

I would love to meet... but uhm I work.
Can you come to the Cafe? We can hang out before my shift. At 8?

Felix bit his lip nervously, not sure how he would make it work. "Say you'll be there." Jeongin interrupted his thought process, noticing the conflict.

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