Chapter 1 ( a Malfoy in Gryffindor) part 1

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September 1st 1991

Draco and Pansy arrive at platform 9 and 3/4 the two pureblood wizards who have been friends since they could remember, their parents, Lucius Malfoy and William Parkinson, who had known each other from Hogwarts, wanted their kids to know each other to be honest, they'd gotten close. Draco had gone as far as to tell Narcissa that "I'm going to marry her one day" when he was 7, that night Narcissa had told Lucius who looked shocked, but was happy that his son wanted to marry a pureblood.

" Hey, Draco since your godfather is the head of Slytherin, could you please, put in a good word for me?" Pansy asked, a slightly flirty tone, hoping that Draco could convince Snape to let some of her bullying happen, she knows at least one mudblood was coming to Hogwarts.

Draco then let out a Hearty laugh. " Sorry Pans, but just last week, he told me that he wouldn't be giving me special treatment, so I doubt he would give you any special treatment. Trust me, also I saw a muggle at Diagon Alley."

Pansy looked at him confused. " don't you mean, mudblood" she corrected. Looking at him confused, they always called muggleborns "mudblood" it's what both their fathers told them. " you're not a blood traitor, are you?"

Draco let out another hearty laugh. " I assure you, sweetie, my beliefs are as strong as ever. It's one year of being the only student of my family at the school, next year, my cousin is coming." Draco let out another laugh, but it was more wary than hearty like the last two. " can I let you in on a secret?" He asked Pansy who nodded. "before my Aunt Pandora died. My mother was writing secret letters to her, we'd sneak off to see Luna, at Professor Snape's house. About 25% of the time I go to Snape's house. I'm actually hanging out with Luna."

" very cunning, your secret is safe with me, Draco." Pansy said winking at him. She then looked into the distance. " look it's Daphne Greengrass."

Then lo and behold Daphne Greengrass came to the pair " as I live and breathe Draco Lucius Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, how are you?"

" great, not only do I get to learn magic, I get to hang out with Pansy. So win-win." Draco replied.

" your an eternal flirt, the three of us, will be sorted into Slytherin." Pansy smiled. She looked around. "I don't see Vincent and Gregory anywhere." She huffed. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were part of the friend group, their parents who were friends with Lucius and William.

"Knowing them, they'll be where the food is." Draco says.

" last call for Hogwarts." The train conductor said.

"Well people, let's go." Pansy said.

During the ride to Hogwarts, Draco, Pansy and Daphne were just talking about anything and everything, what they were going to do to the mudblood who was apparently joining the school. But Draco noticed that Daphne looked upset. "Hey Daphne what's up? You look sad." He asked.

"My family has a Blood malediction, my mother has it, she's given up. She signed a mudblood document, it's called a D.N.R ." Daphne explained.

Draco looked at her with pity. " Professor Snape told me about that. D.N.R stands for Do not resuscitate. If she has a heart attack, or her heart stops for any reason the doctors can't do anything." Draco explained. Severus had told Draco that, his mother Eileen Prince had signed one when she became ill, she later told Severus that it was a way to escape Tobias Snape, she would die or if he'd go to prison for violating the D.N.R.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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