Chapter Two: Boys' Night

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The next day, the two Lamias set their plan in motion. They walked towards Jack, the leader of the bullies. He is a white Centaur and one of the strongest boys in the school. He has green eyes and black hair. His two friends are Hellhounds called Ray and Max. They are twin brothers and both have white fur, and red eyes. "Hi boys~" Serena said. "The fuck do you want?" The Centaur asked. "I was wondering if you could beat up those two over there?" The teenage Lamia asked, pointing at Emma and Delilah. "Sorry, we don't beat up chi-" But before the Centaur could finish his sentence, Jessie showed him five ten pound notes. "You can have all this cash, if you beat up those sluts over there." She said. "Deal!" Jack replied, before snatching the cash out of the Lamia's hands. "Alright you chucklefucks, we're gonna beat the shit out of those bitches after break, got it?" "Yes boss!" The two Hellhounds said. Later that day, Emma and Delilah were standing at their lockers, talking about their favourite movies, when they heard someone yell, "now assholes, now!!!!" It was Jack and he was walking towards Emma. Then the Hellhound twins ran towards Delilah. The three bullies laughed maniacally. "I'm going to enjoy beating the crap out of you." The Centaur said. "Hey, leave them alone!" Said a voice. It was Rhys. He and DD were near by when they noticed the Centaur and the two Hellhounds heading towards their crushes. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Thomas and Percy. What are you gonna do? Tell The Fat Controller we've caused confusion and delay?" Jack teased. The other two bullies turned their heads round and laughed. Rhys gritted his teeth. "Confusion and Delay this, you bastard!" He yelled, before punching the Centaur right in the face! "Mother... fucker!..." he groaned as he fell to the ground. "Sh-should we run?" Max asked his brother. "Yeah..." he replied. But before they could, DD ran in front of them and twisted their arms. "Ow!" The Hellhound twins yelled. "I-I-I-m sorry, we were paid to beat them up." The Centaur said. "By who?" Asked DD. "The Lamia bitches." Jack replied. Then the three bullies ran away from the four friends. "Um, uh, thanks for saving us." The two monster girls said to the teenage Humans as they began to blush. "You're welcome, and besides they were about to do something that wasn't the gentleman's way." Rhys said. "What's that?" Emma asked. "It's just something Rhys made up, and one of the rules is a man must never hit a lady." Delilah explained. "Well then, I'm going to report this to Ms Brown, see you guys back in class." The teenage Human said. And with that, Rhys walked towards the principal's office. Ms brown is a Scylla with yellow eyes, brown hair, and red tentacles. She is also the principal of Monster City High and can be quite stern when a student misbehaves. She was signing some paperwork when the sixteen year old Human boy knocked on the office door. "Come on." The Scylla said. Then Rhys walked in. "Ah Rhys, what can I do for you?" "Well, I'd like to report something. You see, the lamia twins had paid the school bullies to beat up Emma and Delilah." He said. "Right, I'll go speak to all five of them now, thank you." Ms Brown said, before leaving her office. Rhys left and headed towards his next class before the bell rang. Meanwhile, Serena and Jessie were discussing their next plan when the Scylla principal came into the classroom room, her face as red as an apple. "Serena, Jessie, is it true that you paid Jack, Ray, and Max to beat up two of our students?..." She asked, her left eye twitching a little bit. "Um, no..." Serena said. "Yes." Delilah said with a smirk on her face. "You five, my office, now!!!" The Scylla yelled. The five students left the class immediately and made their way to the principal's office. Delilah chuckled silently as the five bullies left the classroom in shame.

At lunchtime, the two Human boys, Vampire and Werewolf sat together. Emma noticed there was something off about Rhys. His eyes darted left and right. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I feel like we're being watched." The sixteen year old human boy said. Then he noticed Wendy looking at him and his friends. "Yep, I was right." "Is that Wendy?" The teenage Vampire asked. "Yep." DD said. Then the Arachne walked over to the table. "Hello again, train lover boy~" She said in a flirty voice. The sixteen year old Human boy groaned and said, "what do you want, Wendy?" "Just wanted to know how you're doing, that's all." The Arachne girl said. "I'm fine, anything else?" Replied Rhys. "Nope, see you later my prince." Wendy said, before heading towards the girls' toilets. "I hate that girl so much.." the teenage Human boy said. Soon, it was time for PE. Everyone went into the hall waited for the PE teacher to arrive. Soon he arrived. His name is Mr Stephenson. He is a black Human with blue eyes. He usually wears a yellow top, blue shorts, and a silver whistle around his neck. "Okay guys, we're going to be playing some dodgeball ball and remember, if you get hit by the ball, you're out."The PE teacher said. "DD, John, you two will be the team captains. I'll give you a few minutes to choose your teammates." John is a Demon with red skin, dark brown eyes, and blonde hair. He's also one of the nicest boys in Monster City High. He and DD often hang out silently, just vibing, no words. Soon, the two students had chosen their teammates. On DD's team, it was him, Rhys, Emma, and Delilah. And on John's team it was him, Serena, Ray, and Jack. The two teams got on their sides of the PE hall. Then Mr Stephenson stood in between the two teams and blew his whistle. "I'm gonna make sure that slut gets what's coming to her." Serena said to herself. Eleven minutes later, the only remaining members of the teams were DD, Rhys, Emma, John, and Serena. Emma was too busy looking at Rhys that she didn't notice Serena aiming a ball directly at her! Then the teenage Lamia threw the ball right towards her. Rhys noticed it and ran in front of the teenage Vampire just in time. "Rhys, you're out!" The PE teacher yelled. "Aw well, at least Emma's okay." The sixteen year old Human boy thought to himself. As soon as her crush was out of the way. the teenage Vampire grabbed a ball and threw it at the Lamia girl. "Ow!" She yelled as it hit her. "You're out!" Mr Stephenson said. Serena walked over to side of the hall in a huff. Soon, it was time for everyone to go home. Emma and DD had won the game of dodgeball. Rhys was just about to walk back to his house, when his best friend spoke. "You like her, don't you?" He asked. The sixteen year old Human boy didn't reply and just stood at the gates, his face as red as a tomato. "Yes, I do." Rhys replied. "Why haven't you asked her out yet?" "Because I'm scared that she might reject me." Said the teenage Human boy, tears starting to form in his eyes. Then, DD held his best friend's hands and said, "don't worry man, you got this and if she does, there's plenty more fish in the sea."  "Yeah. Hey, why don't we have a boy's night later. We could go to the railway museum around the corner." Rhys suggested. "Good idea, we'll go there after dinner." The teenage Human's best friend replied. Then the two boys left the school building. Wendy emerged from the shadows, she had heard everything. "I'll see you there train lover boy~" She said with a smirk on her face.

Emma was in her room, drawing some sketches when she noticed Rhys and DD pass her house. Then she saw Wendy following them. "Oh that motherfucker!" The teenage Vampire ran down the stairs, put her shoes on, and began to exit her house, until she saw Wendy turn the opposite direction of them. Emma quickly hid behind the door. The Arachne began to look left and right before shrugging and continuing to follow the two boys. "Phew, that was close." The Vampire girl said. She too began to follow everyone. When the two boys arrived at the railway museum, they began to look at all the steam engines. "It's a shame all the E2s were scrapped." Rhys said to himself. Later, the two best friends were about to go and have a tin of Coke Zero each at the nearby cafè when they got caught in a web. "What the?!" The sixteen year old Human boy yelled. "Look who wandered into my web~" Said a voice. Wendy walked around the corner, chuckling as she approached Rhys. "Oh, hello DD." Said Wendy, more or less brushing him off. "What do you want?" The teenage boy asked, his left eye twitching a little bit. "A kiss from you of course." The Arachne girl said. "Sorry, but I'm Arachne-phobic." "Really man?!" DD yelled. "Listen, I don't take no for an answer. You are going to kiss me and you're gonna like it!" Then Wendy began to get closer and closer. Rhys was scared. He tried to break out of the web, but it was too sticky. Then A kick came flying from Wendy's left, connecting with her face. "Ow, you asshole!" "Leave him alone, bitch!" Said a voice. It was Emma! She was wearing a light blue top, black jeans, and a pair of purple high heels. "Well, look who decided to show up." The Arachne girl said. Then the two monster girls began to fight, most of their attacks missing each other. "Woo, yeah Emma, kick her ass!" Rhys cheered. Soon, Wendy gave up and fled the scene. "You may have won the battle, but not the war. I'll be back and I swear that boy will be mine!" She said. When the Arachne girl was out of site, the teenage Vampire helped her crush and his best friend out of the web. "Thanks Emma, you're a life saver." The sixteen year old Human boy said. "You're welcome." She replied. "Well, I better get back to my house now, Mom will probably be wondering where I ran off to." "Okay, see you tomorrow." Rhys said, blushing a little. Then Emma transformed into a bat and took off. "So, what now?" The teenage boy's best friend asked. "How about we go back to my house and play some Mario Kart?" Rhys replied. As the two boys were making their way to Rhys' house DD noticed a LBSCR A1X. It had no paint on it with a sign on its smokebox saying, "BUY ME." "One day buddy, one day.." he said as he patted the locomotive's footplate before leaving the museum.

"And where have you been?" Emma's mother asked her daughter. "I-I-I'm sorry Mom. Rhys was in danger!" She replied. "Oh, okay." Her mother said, with a smirk on her face. "W-w-why are you looking at me like that for?" Emma stammered. "This is the boy you like, riiiight?~ Her mother asked. "Um, yeah.." The teenage Vampire said. "Besides, he saved me from the school bullies earlier." "Wait what?! A voice yelled. It was Emma's father and he had just come through the door. "Are you alright?" He asked as he entered his daughter's room. "Yeah, Dad I'm fine." She replied. "Oh, George I forgot to tell you something. Our little bat is in love." The Vampire girl's mother said to her husband. "Is he a nice guy?" Emma nodded silently. "What is he?" Her father asked. "A Human.." The teenage vampire replied. A father pondering for moment and finally said, "oh boy, your uncle's not gonna like this..." "Well I don't care what Uncle Jim has to say, I can date whoever I want!" The Vampire girl said. "That's my girl!" Her mother said. Emma's father is a white vampire with blue eyes, a short light brown beard, and light brown hair. He usually wears a black top, along with a pair of blue trousers.

Meanwhile, Rhys and DD had just finished playing Mario Kart. DD had won every single game. "This isn't like you, Rhys. You usually avoid all of my attacks." He said to his best friend. But the sixteen year old human boy wasn't listening, he was too busy thinking about Emma. DD clapped his hands and snapped Rhys out of the trance. "Wh-what's going on?!" He asked, confused. "Lad, just ask her out so I can have my video game loving best bud back!" The teenage boy said. "Gimme time!" Rhys yelled. DD's face turned to one of surprise. "Look I'm sorry man, I'll do it when I'm ready." "Okay, see you tomorrow." His best friend said, before leaving the house. Soon, Rhys had gotten changed into his pyjamas and was now in his bed. "I hope she does like me." He said, before falling asleep.

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