The Beginning.

En başından başla

She reached for it and stood with the help of her father though she stumbled slightly.

Once she was finally balanced, she ran towards the direction they had entered the forest with her father's hand and hand.

When he noticed she was getting tired he took his hand from her vice grip and sped up and charged like a bull grabbing her at the last second and set her down on his shoulders.

She giggled excitedly as he ran with his hands on her legs to keep her steady.

As they neared the small cabin, he set her down on the ground and grabbed her hand leading her inside.

He held the door open for her as she ran toward the woman chopping vegetables in the kitchen.

"Mama, tell Papa to stop being a meanie!" she yelled as she hugged her mother.

The woman just chuckled as the man came up from behind and laid his head on her shoulder.

The woman turned her head to see him and rested a hand on his cheek.

She put a chaste kiss on his cheek and turned back to her vegetables and hummed a small sound of acknowledgement.

The girl who had watched this interaction was utterly disgusted at this display of affection and made it known by covering her mouth and pretending to puke.

Her mother chuckled at this and moved to crouch in front of the child, "it's not that bad dear," she said softly and poked her daughter's nose, "you'll fall in love too someday."

The woman brought her daughter's face close and put a soft kiss on her forehead.

The girl's face quickly pulled into one of disgust as she thought of herself acting all lovey Dovey with someone when she got older.

"Naw I'm gonna be an adventurer when I get older!" She said confidently as she put her hands on her hips. "Then I'm never gonna have to do all the gross stuff you and Papa do!"

The woman chuckled as she stood patting nonexistent dirt from her apron, "I never said you had to."

The girl looked at her questioningly, "what do you mean?"

"You don't have to act like me and your father to be in love Dear," she spoke softly, "love comes in all shapes and forms darling."

The girl looked to be considering the possibility of something existing that she didn't know about.

"I don't get it."

The woman giggled lightly, "You don't have to get it right now. You have plenty of time to figure it out."

A cough came from behind her, and she turned around to see her husband motioning towards the overflowing pot of broth that had started leaking.

She yelped and rushed towards it to put out the fire stove and clean off the outside of the pot.

Once she was done, she took the lid off and checked inside only to find that all that was left of the broth was a significantly less amount than there had been before.

She put her head in her hands and groaned before turning to her husband and shouting "this is why I don't cook!"

Her husband just laughed as their daughter tried to grab some of the chopped vegetables.


The grass crunched under her feet as she ran with her child in her arms.

Choked sobs rang throughout the forest disturbing the forest animals and leading the heavenly guards to them.

Cloudy Nights [X Reader ver.]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin