IX. Walk past, quick brush

Start from the beginning

James gave a lopsided smile as he sat down in between the two Black brothers. "Aw, what's wrong baby Black?"

"I swear on Merlin I will-" Regulus started.

Sirius cut him off. "He's grumpy, careful."

"I'm not grumpy!"

"You do look grumpy, you're all pouty and you've been reading the same page of that book for about half an hour." James pointed out casually, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Sirius turned to the side and gave his friend an odd look.

Feeling rather smug, Regulus replies. "Oh yeah? And how would you know that?" He had, in fact, had the same page open on his book for the past hour because that is when James walked in, and of course he was staring at James instead of reading his book.

"Good point, how would you know that Prongs?"

"I just... pay attention to detail?" He spoke with a sheepish smile.

Sighing, Regulus turned to the side as Sirius spoke. "Really? You didn't notice me and moony were dating for nearly a year. You found him in my bed once and thought nothing!" Regulus snorted a laugh and James gave him a playful glare before responding to Sirius.

"You're just jealous."

"Am not!"

"No I actually think you are. Are you sad that James is paying me more attention." The Slytherin smirked at tilted his head at James, who was currently very pink.

Untucking his chair from the table, Regulus stood up and gathered his stuff. Sirius grumbled something snarky and folded his arms, scowling at both James and Regulus. "I'm off to get lunch, James pay your dog some attention will you?"

James nodded his head and ruffled Sirius' black hair before speaking. "'Course, see you at the Quidditch match?"

"Bet." And with that he walked away, a small smile on his lips.


James was sat in his dorm currently, after the library he'd gone to get some food and then went back to his dorm to hang out with Peter for a while. Sirius and Remus had snuck into Hogsmeade for an impromptu date before the quidditch match later. Somehow, Peter had fallen asleep at two in the afternoon. So he pulled out a piece of parchment and tore a piece off to write on.


I'm bored talk to me :)



He folded it up into an origami bird and sent it out of the window, it headed towards Regulus' dorm.


About what exactly? I've got literally nothing interesting to tell you.



Sure you do! What house are you supporting at the match later? Oh and you never told me what was wrong earlier?

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