Everett Badwolf

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Everett Boris Adolphus Hood-Badwolf

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Everett Boris Adolphus Hood-Badwolf

Parent(s): Ramona Hood-Badwolf (mother), Justine Dancer (step-mother)

Story: Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats, and any other story that requires my magic

Destined Role: Big Bad Wolf

Side: Rebel

Age: Around 16 human years

Roommate: Birch Truthwood

Gender: He/him

Sexuality: Pansexual

Secret Heart's Desire: To defend villains and to be the 'King of Wolves'.

My 'Magic' Touch: A wolf's powers like agility, strength, higher capability of sense, etc.

Storybook Romance: I've got my tail swirled around to a certain Wonderlandian.

Oh 'Curses!' Moments: Just because I have fangs, doesn't mean I bite. I'm just tryin' to socialize people!

Powerful Qualities: Cheerful, Ambitious, Protective

Most Favorite Subject: General Villainy. My grandad teaches it!

Least Favorite Subject: Home Evilnomics. No wonder I yawn.

BFFAs: My cousin, Scarlet, our rebel prince Devious and of course my bestie Heath. Oh, Ebony and Birch are cool too.

Siblings: Nope. I'm a lone wolf.

Family (Others): Adolphus Badwolf (Big Bad Wolf - grandfather), Garnet Hood-Badwolf (Red Riding Hood – grandmother), Reynard Vulpes (rumoured grandfather), Kira Vulpes (rumoured grandmother), December Dancer (Justine's mom), Troy Dancer (Justine's dad)

Cerise Hood-Badwolf Vulpes (aunt and rumoured mother), Fenris Vulpes (uncle and rumoured father), Scarlet Hood-Badwolf Vulpes (cousin and rumoured sister).

Cerise Hood (godmother)

Interests: Nature, Athletics, Basketball, Cooking.

Birthday: October 23

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Favourite Food/Drink: Anything with some fresh meat. Hexburgers, hot dogs, kebabs.

Pet: I share my pet wolf cub, Rory with my cousin Scarlet.

Name Origin: Everett means 'brave and strong', Boris means 'battle glory/wolf' and Adolphus is his grandfather's name and means 'wolf'. These names all relate to his heritage and destiny.

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