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I hummed softly nuzzling closer to the warmth right next to me, in the next morning when waking up and feeling utterly, exhausted after last night—but froze for a moment, hearing a deep grunt from behind.

Wait—since when did Kortni snores sound different.

"I forgot that you're a cuddler in your sleep." The familiar deep, raspy voice spoke up and sending shivers up my spine, as his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me in closer against his body.

Fuck, I forgot Christian came home with me.

"Shut up, it's too early to speak." I whispered, raising my hand over my shoulder to attempt to cover his face, gently patting around and not looking around.

"Ow, that was my eye." He groans.

I froze, stopped moving my hand around and put it back to my side, then covered my mouth to try not laughing, waking up Candace or Kortni. "Oopsie."

Christian laughs, moving to wrap his entire body around mine and practically laying all of his dead weight on my body, suffocating me. I groaned trying to quietly move him off of me, but he didn't budge and remains laying on top of me.

"If this is how you guys sound having sex, at least keep it down." Kortni says groggily, but the agitation clear in her voice and tossing around in her bed.

I gasped, while Christian covered his mouth to keep his laughter quiet since Candace is still asleep. Right after that, I managed to shove his body off and crawl out of bed quietly to not disturb their sleep.

He got the memo, following right behind me and we walked down stairs quietly. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, feeling a little chilly in the morning.


| Iris : Let's get one thing straight...Christian and I did not have sex. *she laughs, shaking her head* Mom if you see this, I'm sorry. *covering her face* |


I didn't feel exactly hungry for a big breakfast, instead settling for a few piece of toasts shared with Christian and having a conversation, about his travel to Tennessee and the plan to visit Texas right after.

We continued the conversation until I checked the time, realizing that I needed to get ready for work slowly and try to speak to Jeremiah still.

"You got work?" Christian asked, wiping his hands off from any crumbs from the toast and noticed my attention shifting to the clock occasionally.

I looked at him, giving a sheepish smile. "Yeah I do, I'm sorry...maybe you could leave your number?"

He chuckled nodding his head, stepping closer toward me and wrapping me up in his embrace, then placing a kiss to the crown of my head gently.

"No, I don't mind. How else will you get ahold of me?" He teased, leaning back to stare down to me with his ocean blue eyes and smirk curled on his lips.

"Shut up." I replied, gently raising my hand to push his face away from mine and rolling my eyes, walking away to go back upstairs to grab the phone book.

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